The astrology of the now is uneven and perplexing. The New Moon on September 2 in Virgo should be straightforward enough yet Saturn in Pisces opposes it. The normal order and routine of Virgo is affected by more worry and perfectionism. Things that seem darker in the news makes for hand wringing about the future.
You might feel hopeless about a seemingly immoveable issue.
If your health, daily routine or business is not moving, be patient with the rhythm of life.
Uranus goes retrograde on September 1. What was going one way, zig zags another way unpredictably in business, the market, politically or personally. Genius, mania or perverse.
Health issues that deal with digestion or infection might concern you as a result of emotional brooding or ruminating. Get out and exercise and meditate in nature. If work piles up, be fair to yourself and refrain from being too critical.
The sometime negativity of Virgo is underscored by Saturn’s opposition. Unpleasant news and restrictive anxiety float overhead. It’s easy to fall into hopelessness that things won’t improve.
We are setting up for the Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Pisces on September 17. Issues that have haunted us since March 25 and April 8 can be resolved by connecting to a spiritual not material energy.
Perhaps the mid- East can find their way to peace by turning to compassion and empathy.
The Lunar Eclipse is in aspect to Neptune. This influence can bring a tendency to be fooled or taken advantage of by hucksters with promises that are too good to be true. Politics and values get a workout. Unless they serve a higher good.
Romance and films are forefront with Neptune. Romance in life is held together by fantasy. This is a time when the roles you assumed to make something feel better than it actually is collapse. There is some feeling of burnout with this additive behavior. You can kick a habit that is more about avoiding feeling than being real with feeling.
Neptune represents surrender. Surrender to the wisdom within you that is trying to guide you.
Surrender to your inner connection. Don’t be fooled by the illusion that you need to keep it up. Keep on going with what you connect with within.
To this point Mars squares Neptune September 1-4. You might experience a weird reaction when the beloved acts seductively. Kiss and slap is the mystique that can be so delicious. It makes you feel on top of the world then banished to the bottom.
Distrust and sleight of hand is afoot now in love, politics and the economy.
If it looks good and is too good to be true watch the house of cards become castles made of sand. This will be played in romance, finance, the market, politics and most inner narratives.
Melancholia is behind doors that are too shiny. And loss of hope affects you when the doors fold in on themselves.
The silver lining are the Eclipses on September 17 and October 2. The high energy of the Eclipse on September 17 represents an ending pattern. If you’ve been in a relationship that is short on truth, you can emerge unscathed. If you’ve put your money down on a loser bet you can get out in time. If you’ve lost something or someone, let Neptune inspire you by going to an empathetic place.
There might be flooding and too much water during the Eclipse in September. Poison and infection are an unpleasant side of Neptune.
The Kamala dance and caravan des Trump will be exposed. Misleading and unclear information comes out. Castles made of sand start to dissolve.
It’s all too human and unapologetic when Pluto slips back into Capricorn for its’ 240 year finale.
The End of the Pluto Tour starts September 1. This part of the show features a summation since 2008. Recession fears and political shuffles are transitioned by Pluto in Capricorn. The end of a form of patriarchy and power games finds a new host.
The finale of Pluto in Capricorn sees tyranny and bullying hit a wall. The new regime is not a cosmic antidote but a facelift. The beat goes on.
A different kind of power represents a new elite of people. Times are an expression of what is all too human.
Where to find serenity? Where is hope and tranquility? Neptune counsels find peace within.
The Hanged Man in the Tarot is a loser by worldly standards, a mystic on a narrow path. This card gives the choice of either surrender to what is or suspension in maya. He’s upside down with his power evolving towards love.
This next three-six month cycle features a Hanged Man choice for each of us between strategy or evolution, dominance or empathy, power or love. As the world turns, everything changes. You will be changed too and a year from now IT will all be different. The song remains the same.
ARIES might feel like you’re walking in a misty fog for the first few days of September. Venus in Libra makes for some loving moments yet Mars in Cancer after September 4 brings back conflict that wasn’t managed in May. A big project takes more than you originally bargained for. Watch getting triggered and agitated through the beginning of November.
The New Moon on September 2 brings up work conflicts with any harbored gripes by someone who resents your authority. Be cool with the hot Aries temper. Clarify stress at home and be patient with those that move slow. Don’t personalize the friction. Be direct with your authority so that work is solid.
TAURUS has confusion for the first few days of September with money and not knowing what you’re doing. It’s like being in a haze of good intentions that get misread. Uranus turns retrograde on September 1; all the progress and insight you realized during the last six months needs to be worked out with the family.
The New Moon on September 2 in the house of children brings worry and stress about their health and well-being. Be attentive, don’t hover. Siblings are angered by an innocent action on your part. Do not engage with pettiness. The health sector needs some relaxation and de -stressing. Body work is helpful for headaches and emotional fatigue.
GEMINI is going great guns with expansion. Your confidence is growing even if something inexplicable happened recently. Mars squares Neptune the first few days of September. It’s easy to give into doubt and fear. Don’t allow momentary angst to grow into panic.
The New Moon with Saturn on September 2 t- squares your Sun. Conflict about the way something was done is uncomfortable. Be calm with all the money going out. You’re in a stable position relative to the rest of the group. Relax and be grateful for your life and its flow. Jupiter makes silk purses out of wrong turns.
CANCER has the Pluto finale with love, power and oppression. Someone or thing you love changed back into a pumpkin. They were a chariot for awhile, transporting you from one place to another. Now the truth comes. You’re able to recover self -esteem when you don’t confuse love with power. Mars squares Neptune the first four days of September and might make you tired and avoidant. Mars goes into Cancer on September 4. You’re stronger with yourself.
The New Moon on September 2 brings a decision around the next six months that involves work, patience and practicality. Utilize what you’ve learned since 2008. You have a hard time feeling safe with those you don’t trust. Extend your circle to a bigger group by trusting what you have inside.
LEO returns to decisions and issues leftover from mid -July. Mars into Cancer on September 4 brings surprise irritations and interrupted sleep. You get a break from Pluto for a quick minute. Jupiter brings new opportunities with important people that might go through the beginning of February to take hold.
The New Moon on September 2 brings a polarization with money and earning. You want to make the right decision and the present financial situation demands you address it. There is less than you expected because of something outside of your control. Be careful with assets in the next six months. Be wise and disciplined. Leo is the courageous heart.
VIRGO has stress with a themselves in a partnership, with a client or a job. You are in the midst of letting go of what you don’t want from the last fourteen years. In between two choices, you feel tentative about a decision during the New Moon.
The New Moon on September 2 forces you to look hard at what or whom you’re breaking up with. You might give in to tiredness, worry and negativity. Doubting yourself is not helpful.
You recently lost a part of your identity to your job or relationship. It affects your health and self -regard. You can recover based on what happens during the next few weeks. In six months the spell of stress that you’re under lessens. In the meantime, build yourself back up.
LIBRA might not know what you’re doing. A partner/client is not exactly as they presented. Watch what they show you. You might feel taken advantage of. If this is the case, be discriminating with how you respond. Count yourself in the relationship and make it work for you. Reset so things are equal. Mars after September 4 shows what to do to regroup.
The New Moon on September 2 in Virgo could bring a health issue with a beloved pet that is arthritic or age related. You might hear backlash from an associate behind your back. Be neutral with the doubt and negativity that others project. You can go inside and be safe.
SCORPIO deals with a financial tic around a property. Don’t make any decisions until after September 4 since you might not know what you’re dealing with. Those close might have their own ideas. Respect their opinion yet do what you know is right for you. Your ruler, Pluto goes back into Capricorn on September 1. You need to rest easy until mid -November.
The New Moon on September 2 brings a slowdown with friends/colleagues and decisions regarding something written. The future is beckoning yet you feel frozen. Someone you depend on is not feeling well or is not available. Things with kids or loves might take forever to get clear. In the meantime, take time to find the inner meaning of what’s happened.
SAGITTARIUS continues to have good luck with opportunity. Go slow September 1-4 as you could get scammed. Wait to get more clarity with what is offered. Don’t jump too fast with how financing is structured. It might not be solid until after September 4.
The New Moon on September 2 t -squares you. You will feel under pressure to make a decision around career or a property. Take time to address all the details. Your energy is running hot yet your professional financial world gets cold and harsh. Listen to the agent, manager, partner but in the end it’s your call.
CAPRICORN has the last round of Pluto in Capricorn from September 1-mid November. All the betrayals, usury, and manipulations are outed. Your path is to see it all and accept fate as it is. September 1- 4 you might be foggy around a contract or action to take. Wait for clarity to act; don’t be pressured family.
The New Moon on September 2 brings any issues around a school, education or travel forward. You might need to spend more money than originally planned. You don’t like being dependent on a partner. Be the strong goat and climb the mountain without guilt or bitterness. How you respond determines the blossoming of the garden that’s the future.
AQUARIUS has a respite from September 1- mid November. Don’t think the Plutonic stress has gone away. Now you get to find meaning. The existential crisis you’ve been in is on a three-month break. You might feel like the bad thing is over. Your money is still morphing into a new earning pattern. Stabilize where you can emotionally.
The New Moon on September 2 affects your financial houses. The disappointment with someone or something becomes dreary and worrisome. Go to work and apply yourself to wrapping up the old model. The new way is still on the horizon. Be patient.
PISCES has a hard time the first four days of September. You might have psychosomatic or physical headaches or pains. Stick to light exercise and walking. Your balance might be off. Saturn and Neptune fight for your soul; reality vs. dreams. Jupiter can make your home a private sanctuary. Get to the business of well- being.
The New Moon on September 2 takes a lot out of you. You feel your limitation with a partner or yourself. You might descend into doubt and worry about what you’ve chosen. Make the most out of your dreams. You’re on a path that was not a mistake, random or accidental. Let it guide you. Meditation is a conflict free time. Get closer to what’s inside.
Tanda Tashjian
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