Venus goes direct September 3. It’s been standing still for the last week. What you feel about love since the third week of June gets clearer. Love and what makes you happy is better understood and capable of being experienced between September 3-October 8.
If you don’t know who or what you want, soon you’ll have more clarity.
If you’ve recently met someone that you feel you have a long, lost connection with, the meaning of that connection becomes clearer.
Venus rules love, beauty, pleasure, art and cash. These aspects of life are being reworked until September 3 when Venus goes direct at 6:20 PM PST. With the South Node in Libra, past themes emerge around love. You might feel that life is stranger and yet more beautiful after September 3.
With six planets about to go retrograde, things move very slowly and irrationally. Whatever comes now needs time, attention and delicate handling. If you feel muddled, it’s due to the cosmos doing a backward glide.
Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are dancing together in a weird Shakespearian choreography. Time slows down and nothing happens in the conscious mind. The unconscious is in a frenzy of activity, making connections, decluttering and deciding on the next chapter. Sending you potent dreams and messages randomly, while a new cast of characters arrive and exit on irrational cue.
Mercury retrograde in Virgo brings more focus with how to reestablish health especially with physical and mental health.
You might find a remedy in a person or potion that really works.
What happened around August 23 brought a series of decisions and thoughts that will impact your life emotionally and practically during the New Moon on September 14-29. Mercury goes direct on September 15. Saturn wide opposing in Pisces with Neptune make you wonder, where am I going and what does it matter?
The effects of the last month’s Mercury retrograde (since August 23) will not be known until during the New Moon on September 14-29. This period exposes decisions or information that was not right or faulty.
Saturn in Pisces impacts your reality with massive doubt. Suddenly you doubt your identity, your existence and your purpose. Your relationship and what you think is shaky. You don’t know where or with whom you belong anymore.
Mars in Libra is a warring energy that excuses violence by strategizing. More violence both domestically and internationally will affect us during the next month.
The weather continues to remake world geography. Neptune squares the New Moon when flooding and the desert switch places.
If you’re feeling a little lost with or without someone, review the past and with whom you felt the best. A memory of feeling good enables you to find that sweet spot again. Return to the spirit of people and places that meant something good to you once before and rekindle the feelings in the present.
The weird druggy effect of the Full Moon on August 30 continues into early September. Take a day to collect yourself and let any negative habit of the past go before the New Moon on September 14.
Allow the Big Changes in the air to begin. Government, Courts, economy and people’s rights will go one way or another. Power to the People through a new political Friend or a friendly fascism will come. The whole world is waiting in the calm before the storm.
This period is personally challenging in that it’s so undefined. What things mean and how they affect you is ambiguous. Find yourself by actually walking though the molasses. It’s a weird time before change where nothing is that definite. If things or people leave let a new option evolve.
Yours is to be receptive and accept what life brings. How you accept life determines the future.
ARIES feels aggravated and irritated. Things are not moving fast enough to suit you. Watch that tendency to pick a fight just to make something happen. Let the urge to dramatize relax and don’t make mountains out of small slights. Mars in Libra can incline to feelings of being attacked by partners or clients. Be the peaceful warrior and stick to your mission. Venus direct on September 3 helps you experience more fun with kids and love. Mercury going direct on September 15 makes the details of life less overwhelming and clearer.
The Full Moon on August 30 saw you confront yours’ or another’s passivity. The New Moon on September 14 brings new information to a work or health project you’ve struggled with since August 23rd. A system you’re using needs to be changed. If it’s technical the fix is simple, if it’s emotional it’s more mysterious.
TAURUS is frustrated by your daily routine and work. Venus goes direct on September 3 and you feel more love in the home and with family. Mercury goes direct on September 15 and you experience more clarity with children and love. Don’t complain too much and enjoy the simplicity of nature and the end of Summer. Mars in Libra complicates a sense of well- being with anxiety and worry.
The Full Moon on August 30 brought a polarization between love and friendship that was fuzzy. The New Moon on September 14 brings a correction with any communication that is too critical. Love is the answer and for Taurus love is a happy home with enough for everyone. Make sure you’re there enough and enjoy the roses and coffee.
GEMINI is overwhelmed with details and chores with family. Venus going direct on September 3 awakens you to the need for more love with communication. Being short and staccato puts others off when you’re impatient. Hidden feelings of love hit you full force after September 3.
Go on a short trip or have a break with demands from others when Mercury goes direct on September 15. The uneasiness of your overactive mind finds more peace.
The Full Moon on August 30 distracted you with overtones of disillusion.
The New Moon on September 14 brings lots of discussion about money and family obligations. You need to make a change and delaying it makes it harder. The weird fatigue you’re experiencing is the result of feeling confused by a situation you didn’t see coming. Open up your life to freedom and humor.
CANCER develops joy from art, advertising, real estate and the restaurant business. Venus going direct on September 3 inspires a warm love that is a result of self- esteem and self-trust. Mars in Libra amplifies conflict with a career person and your reputation. You are put off by another’s demand and neediness. The time to act is close. Be awake to opportunity. Mercury direct on September 15 solves a puzzle with new information.
During the Full Moon on August 30, you felt discouraged and disillusioned by events that tested your faith. The New Moon on September 14 makes decisions and deals need to be rethought. You feel lost even though you’re actually okay. It’s everyone around you that is crazy. Be a friend to all and extend your best to others without counting the cost. You’re about to be free of a cycle of guilt and self -punishment exacted by your relationships. Celebrate your wisdom.
LEO has Venus direct on September 3. You feel in love with life again and have a new reason to live. Love is eternal and you’ve experienced the dark side of love recently. You are living to tell the tale. Mars makes you fight with those you encounter on short trips or new projects. You can’t seem to come to agreement with yourself about your decisions. Mercury direct on September 15 shows the way to finance something that seemed impossible.
The Full Moon on August 30 brought frustration with debt and mutual money. You’re still coming off of the prior lunation. The New Moon on September 14 reminds you to settle on precise numbers when you negotiate. All that bickering and discord since August 23 is still churning within you. Have a party to celebrate an achievement or new opportunity.
VIRGO has Mercury retrograde in your sign until September 15. Pay attention to what you realize about how to heal around this time. Don’t let details trip you up in your personal life. Venus retrograde through September 3 protects you from yourself. The great deal you fought for is turning out to be a tough sentence. Saturn makes you question who you are and what you truly want. Mars has you displace anger when you fight about money.
The Full Moon on August 30 reflected your disillusion with life. Your partner’s vagueness appears to be out there, somewhere else. The New Moon on September 14 brings all the ignored emotional baggage forward since August 23. Don’t crash, there’s more light coming towards the end of the month. Celebrate your birthday with friends who wish you well.
LIBRA is a little off your game. Venus direct on September 3 makes a colleague or friend come through. Mercury going direct on September 15 brings hidden information about what was decided out of stress. Mars in Libra makes you resist what is good for you, overheating all your energy.
The Full Moon on August 30 dragged you over some invisible coals and worked your nerves. The New Moon on September 14 reveals hidden information or gossip that wounds your pride. Don’t let the unconscious destructiveness of others take you down. All you have is you. Make the good things last. Love the one you’re with.
SCORPIO feels the indecisiveness of Uranus and unpredictable changes. If you feel overwhelmed, stop the merry go round. Jupiter brings positive vibes on your own timeline to assist you. Mars in your twelfth house exhausts you while Venus direct on September 3 brings harmony and fulfillment to you externally and internally. Mercury direct on September 15 helps you understand the hidden part of your psychology better.
The Full Moon on August 30 made you face despondency and disillusion about life and death. The New Moon on September 14 sees all those details catch with you and finally make sense.
Scorpio dives deep with it all. Resist the pattern of overthinking and obsession. Resist the critical voice that says you’re not enough. Pluto moving signs in 2024 brings a new day with your sense of being able to control the mind. That’s a breakthrough!
SAGITTARIUS sees Venus go direct on September 3. You’ll feel better about love and freedom through a dream or reverie. This exchange helps you feel more present with something that you thought you lost. Mercury is retrograde since August 23 and confuses you with details and protocol of an exchange through September 15. Mars in Libra yearns for companionship and is countermanded by Jupiter, who wants the freedom to roam.
The Full Moon on August 30 made you feel alone and lonely even if you were partnered. The New Moon on September 14 brings back a healing conversation that you should have. Your energy is between worlds when something is happening while nothing is happening. Don’t confuse ambiguity with loss or failure. You’re about to ascend to a new position in your world with confidence and trust.
CAPRICORN is a little adrift in a sea of ambiguity. Six planets retrograde unseats the pristine order that Capricorn needs to feel safe. Venus direct on September 3 brings back a love connection from the past. Mercury retrograde through September 15 reminds you of all the loose ends you thought were tied up. Mars in Libra makes a partnership seem muddled. You want order to return so you can perform as expected.
The Full Moon on August 30 brought ambiguity and confusion to something you thought was so clear. The New Moon on September 14 brings order and emotional precision to your relationship. If you feel lost on a boat with no compass, direction is about to be revealed. Take heart that all is not gone. Just delayed.
AQUARIUS had Uranus go retrograde August 28. Your intuition got jammed when you had to make a decision. Venus goes direct on September 3 and your partnership experiences a breakthrough of understanding that is a saving grace. Mercury goes direct September 15. Your money/sex/death house is alive with new interpretation. Mars in Libra makes for a passion to travel the world physically or spiritually.
The Full Moon on August 30 had you feeling overamped and overextended. The New Moon on September 14 brings new energy to an experience of life and death that changes you for the better. If you’ve experienced a loss in the last six months, a new revelation arrives helps tolerate grief or self -blame. You’re freer to make plans that impact you in the future.
PISCES sees Venus go direct on September 3. The health and well- being part of self -care is more pleasant to experience now. You can love yourself through all the ups and downs. Mercury goes direct September 15 and confused communication with a partner unblocks. Mars in Libra fights with obligations that you don’t want. Saturn in Pisces makes consequences from past actions pile up in the present.
The Full Moon in Pisces on August 30 made you feel oversaturated with discontent and disillusion. A weird aspect of aloneness pervaded life. The New Moon on September 14 makes a partnership need more care and tending with remedy possible. This period is between the worlds as you are. Pisces excels in experiencing other worldly moments. Don’t go too far into the ether; come back when you’re called to return and experience unity from within.
Tanda Tashjian
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