It’s the end of a cycle. Pluto leaving Capricorn uproots culture and the way people live. Some say it’s a portal opening or global warming or the kali yuga. Whatever it is, we’re at the end of a cycle. It’s a time to review and let go of what you thought you wanted.
The astrology of the time revolves around Pluto ending its’ sojourn in Capricorn. The planet will enter Aquarius on March 23, 2023. Pluto rules significance in life. It rules meaning. It also rules life and death and power. You might feel less involved with people and interests that once were central to you. Lifestyles change along with work ethics. The person you couldn’t live without you suddenly realize you can live without them.
Pluto rules fate and obsessions. All the old obsessions change. Fate deals you another hand that gets real in 2023. The cards were put on the table during the last two Eclipses. Look at what is happening and no longer happening to understand the future.
Pluto has been affected by Saturn’s rulership of Capricorn. Business and finance had a good run since 2008. Shortly, the focus changes to one of a more communal center when Pluto ingresses into Aquarius. What was secure and stable becomes chaotic and destabilized.
Group consciousness will seize the power or become the power as concepts of power change over time. Power is imperative who controls. And who has the power now?
Power will soon be redefined by more of a group consciousness rather than revolving around individuals.
Many people might leave the planet. Looking for a slower vibration. And less chaos.
Review what happened to you under the Eclipses since October. In your individual life observe what changes got activated. In the next few months strange things play themselves out.
The New Moon on November 23 at one degree of Sagittarius is on the same day Jupiter goes direct. If you’re gambling on a bet in business or a big decision begin a new direction on this day. Look at what went in the wrong direction around the third week of August. Things can go through a reversal and change direction again by mid -January.
November 23 is a big day to review and change direction based on the indications you receive. If you’re tired, drained or dizzy reset your energy with what shows up now. Mars went retrograde the day before Halloween and put many relationships and projects in turnaround. You might feel dejected, regressed or unmotivated. November 23 is a time to seize the day.
If you’re depressed, deal with what you’re most angry about. Mars retrograde brings things forward that have been ignored since late August. Reason with yourself and use logic in emotionally volatile situations. Don’t jump to conclusions and react. Have all the feelings and then come back to the center.
If you’ve extended too much in any way correct over-giving. Sagittarius is generous to a fault. With Jupiter in Pisces with Neptune you might be fantasizing about what is going on. This is a time where if you’ve lost yourself you can reset the boundary back to a better balance. You suddenly perceive the truth of what is really going on.
The New Moon is a time of reorganizing around your belief system. Jupiter in Pisces represents the ocean. If you’re upset or disillusioned tune into the cosmic life force of the ocean. The energy will cleanse you of confusion and chaos. The idealistic aspect of life balances with the reality of what comes back to you. Like the constancy of the ocean your life force is renewed.
Remember, what you send out vibrationally comes back.
Pluto changing signs allows a complete reset around meaning and commitment. If you’re suffering because your dreams have not come true, allow the unbidden to guide you. Don’t control the future through rigidity. Flow with the ocean. Release the way it must be and accept what is.
The more you flow now, the more things flow to you. If you’re praying for prosperity, there’s a lesson here.
ARIES has to go back over what was said and decided before the Eclipses. Your normal sharpness is a little faded. It’s the time to end the last 14 years of power grabs in business when you were left out. Mars builds anger with words that you held back from saying. Don’t edit your feelings with family and siblings. Speak the truth to those you love.
The New Moon on November 23 opens a new road. Go on a road trip or an inner voyage. The teacher in you gets reawakened. Stop waiting for another to do what you want. Your crisis revolves around mind over doing with taking action temporarily blocked. Walk at sunset and spend time in the in- between.
TAURUS has the aftermath of the Eclipse. There is some post Eclipse event that you must get through. The new way comes on the heels of letting go of control. Something so big and yet small in the scheme of things has brought you down. There’s a purpose and it’s letting go of the way you hold on.
The New Moon on November 23 brings insight about power and how you’ve given it away. The times you held on and gotten what you wanted ended up being costly. Feel your center get stronger and trust what happens and trust yourself. The experience will change you for the future. Uranus is throwing a wrench into the things you once grasped for. This stops when you release your hold on life.
GEMINI goes through the aftermath of the Eclipses. Your secret life is exposed to you. What you’ve hidden from yourself comes out and cannot be ignored. Your emotions overwhelm you with someone living or passed that you thought you had come to peace with. The resources you’ve strengthened serve you well in this time.
The New Moon on November 23 challenges your partner or client. Any excess or over doing needs to be corrected. You need to control any anger with exercise or walking. The anger and shock with siblings take a lot to stay neutral. Don’t get into it with them as the issue will die down by mid -January.
CANCER has the fallout of the Eclipses. The endings that brought changes where you’ve fooled yourself have come and gone. You’re wiser now and onto your game. If you’ve been hiding inadequacy understand the motivation behind all the over working and big talking. The hidden anger that sits in your stomach gets a workout. Learn how to work with yourself, and not fight yourself.
The New Moon brings a note of hope with your health and work life. You expand or go on a trip in the next month that turns things around. Slowly your confidence returns and things get back to normal. Remember what dreams and realizations come now as they will turn out to prophesize the future.
LEO experiences the end of loss and sadness. Any sudden changes come to show you that you can change your direction and not suffer. The work and daily grind have ground you down. The Eclipse fallout shows how stubbornness exposes pride and rigidity. This is the big change in your cards now.
The New Moon offers the option to love again. A romance, a project or a place you envision shows the happy potential of life returning. The hidden love in your life comes forward. What estranged you or kept you apart recedes. You can be free to be with the secret beloved. The question is do you still want to?
VIRGO lives the fallout of the Eclipses with travel, marketing and decisions. Just when you thought the game was over, surprise new options come to rescue you financially and emotionally. The dreams you’ve nourished get realized in a way you couldn’t imagine. The resources you depend on for the future arrive at the last minute. Be grateful for the cosmic help.
The New Moon on November 23 brings an obstacle. Relax the overdoing and over working and look at the big picture. Love and pleasure is the energy behind creativity. Experience the relationships in your life from a different place. Take a rest from doing for others and let someone help you.
LIBRA has the aftermath of the Eclipses when an issue about money comes back. A job, a deal or a negotiation that you thought was done returns and needs another go round. Your career and your reputation need an upgrade. Travel and publishing need time and planning.
The New Moon on November 23 requires clarity and logic. Siblings on either side of the family need a lot more from you than you can give. Keep them close and keep extending love. If the giving comes from the heart, it’s enough. The family goes through a tunnel and then the light returns.
SCORPIO has the time to think about your personal goals. The last Eclipses challenged you to see the truth about love and what you want from love. The sudden shifts with another client or lover are driving you a little crazy when you cannot be flexible. Model acceptance and patience and the Other responds.
The New Moon on November 23 brings opportunity for money and investment. The worth of something you do or have increases. Planning a new life takes time and energy. Pluto leaving Capricorn throws you into an emotional chaos that in time is offset by a good beginning.
SAGITTARIUS and the aftermath of the Eclipses makes the hidden life you’re leading more public. The secret feelings you’ve been challenged by need to be expressed. Your health and wellbeing are highlighted now. Emotional issues of anger and disappointment need processing from a deep place.
The New Moon on November 23 brings you the option to expand or not. Go with your strengths and don’t look back. Over doing and too much optimism ends up costing too much. Not enough faith limits the result. Hit the balance and go with the middle way. Be the wild horse that chooses freedom on a well worn path.
CAPRICORN experiences the aftermath of the Eclipses. You’re in between ending the huge cycle of Pluto leaving your sign with the summation of the last 14 years when Pluto enters Aquarius. This change is expressed in your life with relationships and identity. You might find yourself at a loss with what you felt was so ironclad in life. Floating somewhere between the past and the future yet not totally anchored in the present. The Eclipses accentuated this feeling of being between lives.
The New Moon on November 23 makes your inner life the focus. Meditate to be shown the way. Your intuition is on fire and your dream life is active. Ask the gods for insight about partnerships and your love connection. Make a correction if you’ve been too generous. Take your power back if someone has usurped it. The New Moon in Sagittarius is in a contemplative aspect to you. Be cautious with what you give away. Awareness of the line between fantasy and intuition is pivotal.
AQUARIUS is having a summary of the last few years. Relationships that needed to be balanced along with work issues restructure. Your seriousness of the last few years pays off. You feel mature and more in control. When you’re more devoted to your goals in a patient and responsible way it yields results. With your identity more secure, your confidence is apparent. You don’t need to strive so hard; things come to you.
The New Moon makes friendships easier and more casual. If you’ve over given in the past you can rebalance any hurts in a more detached way. No more brooding over spilt milk. If a parent is aging or weakening forgive and come to peace.
PISCES experiences the aftermath of the Eclipse with decisions about travel and the future. You’ve been aware that time waits for no one and you’re no longer waiting for the Other. Correct what has been any misstep with a man or masculine energy. The place where you’re ruminating is the tell.
The New Moon brings a challenge to live your philosophy. Walk the walk and be strong when following your beliefs. A lover or child made a mistake recently. Forgive them any immaturity or insensitivity. Your awareness goes beyond the smallness of the moment and transcends the issue. The Cosmos smiles on your dreams and mystical awakening. Carry this moment in your heart.
Tanda Tashjian
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