IT’S the end of the Tour. Pluto ending in Capricorn continues a powerhouse fade out from all the traditions that we’re used to. Banks, financial services, the courts, government, old- fashioned etiquette and elitism are on their way out.
If you are saying goodbye to someone or some way of life, let it go. Pluto addresses that which is no longer relevant or helpful. Pluto is the dying part of the tree that needs to be cut out in order to be healthy. Pluto is the part in the body that is surgically removed so the rest can live. Pluto is the old Age of habits and a kind of practicality that augments special groups that are irrelevant.
Trouble comes everyday. The New Age isn’t here yet. And despite all the groovy predictions, it’s not going to come any day soon.
Not in our lifetime but in the next age, the return to the Dark Ages is an unfortunate decision that we made during the last fourteen years. All those Kardashian shows, billionaire boys clubs and glorification of power grabs combined to manifest this blowback in time.
Pluto is in its’ last roundup phase. Since October 10, when Pluto went direct and started its’ finale, everything is changing and cannot go back.
If you’re feeling sad, terrified and lost this is your Pluto moment. The sum up of Pluto brings a five of cups kind of remorse that doesn’t lessen. The person in the tarot card doesn’t see that there is still one cup left. He is so bereaved and hopeless that he sees no option. Yet there is still hope.
Pluto is in Saturn’s sign. Pluto and Saturn together bring a dark night of the soul. If you’re having a dark night, experience the remorse of the past without blame.
As Pluto edges its’ way into Aquarius in January 2024, consider that the future is redeemable by opening your life up to something eclectic, modern and electric.
Be progressive, futurist, and innovative with what you’re given to work with. No to self-blame, rather a promise to yourself that you can change. And commit to change.
Scorpio is the sign of the phoenix that rises from the ashes. We are getting besieged by a global trauma that we are all sharing. And each of us deals with trauma differently.
If you close your eyes and eat more that’s a way to cope. If you decide to be a good person that’s a way to address this period. If you watch a lot of tv that’s another way to deal. If you work internally or externally to shift from one old habit to a new more conscious way that’s possibly a home run.
And then there’s hope.
If you can change your little world then the bigger world can change.
The New Moon in Scorpio on November 13 is conjunct Mars and square Uranus.
Be careful where you go as we might see random violence spread to other venues. Be calm, be precise and be careful. Not a silly thing to beef up your home with supplies and cash. The best thing is that it’s not necessary and you’ll be up a few rolls of toilet paper and cans of soup.
This New Moon in Scorpio with Pluto ending in Capricorn means the old rules don’t hold anymore.
Unfortunately, this period could bring a sudden forceful movement that silences a forest somewhere in time. Cormac McCarthy’s The Road on the road.
Let’s hope and pray that the Light shines brightly and we can pick up the pieces. Hope and pray that this is a momentary mistake that can be redeemed by finding peace.
ARIES is overwhelmed with debt and repairs at the casa. Your career is pleading for a new act. The money houses go through a shock when you have more than you thought or that something you counted on isn’t there.
The New Moon brings resourcefulness. An ending brings a new condition that you didn’t anticipate. The aftermath of the Eclipses makes you see that you are worthwhile and worthy even though you made a mistake in the past. The end of the tour brings the end of a chapter about authority and who’s the boss.
TAURUS sees a truer pecking order revealed. All those hidden feelings come out in the wash. Mars opposing you makes someone spoil for a fight. Watch that your health doesn’t protest or that you throw up your hands and take refuge on a fainting couch. The Eclipses refocused you on what needs to be done.
The New Moon promises a new day and some new moves with a partner. They’d like you to go in their direction. Don’t be extravagant with your emotions or dramatic. Watch the paint dry. All is a standstill and then, suddenly there’s a lightning bolt.
GEMINI has upheaval at the shop. Saturn goes direct November 4 and all your toil and trouble starts to get fixed. You might be having an identity crisis about where you belong in your career or with your family. Somethings might just fade away. The Eclipses exposed what was hidden or not functioning well.
Take a day off during the New Moon. This period will exhaust you emotionally. You will start out the day fine and then wham, a weird kind of overdoing sets in. You might be terrified then get fiery, then extroverted, then want to hideout. You’ll live ten lives in an afternoon. Make sure you have a sandwich ready.
CANCER is going through a liberation. All that neediness and possessiveness is revealed and it’s ending. You are becoming a stronger being when you accept where you lost yourself. You can come back from all the misery. Don’t be cheap or a big spender emotionally.
The New Moon brings an explosion with a romance or creative project. It affects you on every level. The aftermath of the Eclipses took away a comforting illusion. Make the shift to the heart and let the power stuff relax.
LEO has conflict with home or family. Some family members seem to be fighting you. You might take a short trip to just get out of your head. The debt house is getting tighter and you might come up short due to too much optimism. The Eclipses propelled you to face a hard truth and strengthen yourself with your beliefs.
The New Moon conflicts with your sunny disposition. You might be moody. Whether it’s a play or a property there is more that you have to give and do. You’re at the beginning arc of a new kind of power. Do not go backward, forge the choppy river and flow with the current.
VIRGO has more clarity about your identity, your profession and your relationship after November 4. You’ve been pressured mentally and are a little snappy. People are not honoring their commitments. Don’t blink an eye in this Age of Grab. The Eclipses reset how you value others and yourself.
The New Moon brings discord with an agreement or a communication. The beginning of November brings a fantasy possibility. Don’t be afraid to stick to your guns and let the chips fall where they may. Your strength is stronger now and you can find neutrality.
LIBRA is having a day at the races. The perception of being too nice is rebalanced by your need to reset financially. Your secret happiness when you’re alone is to follow your own predilections. Pluto helps you to adjust your identity to be valued differently.
The New Moon brings a choice financially that is sudden and surprises you. A windfall or loss comes and affects your standing in your career. Be balanced and true to yourself and make an informed choice. The Eclipses focused you on the client and the money. Be cool when negotiating.
SCORPIO has change and acceleration in your life. The Other is volatile about the property or the house. You have the energy and the power now to make something happen. The Eclipses stirred up your energy to act and be effective. You’re energized to take the important things on.
The New Moon brings the opportunity to decide the next six months and how much you’re ready for change. Unpredictable moments erupt and you adapt. Be flexible with your will and use power to support what you chose so carefully.
SAGITTARIUS is hidden and strategizing. You’ve been busy correcting something that went off course the last seven years. You might feel like your hands are tied and yet you’re about to be freer than you’ve felt in years. The Eclipses compels you to clean out the cobwebs at work.
The New Moon in Scorpio melts down hidden feelings that you’ve held onto secretly. The next six months brings the manifestation of what you fear when you put your energy into fear. Look forward to where you’ve been courageous and you’ll be happier and more confidant.
CAPRICORN experiences the end of a long slog. The cumulative stress of the last fourteen years is now on the table. Physically, if you’re exhausted, rest. If you’re sad, grieve. This period is the end of the tour and as such, liberates you when you accept all you’ve been through. The Eclipses huffed and puffed and almost brought the house down. But it’s still standing. And you’ve lived to tell the tale. Tell it.
The New Moon in Scorpio brings a new beginning with dreams and what fulfills you. Take care to explore the future in your dreams. A partner is there or about to arrive when you release any past rigidity about yourself. Remember, mutuality is the basis of love.
AQUARIUS is anticipating what’s about to happen. Pluto enters your sign in late January and the premonition of the future is overwhelming. You’re so ready for a change to evolve a deeper relationship to yourself, another and your world. The Eclipses focused you on decisions and change within the family.
The New Moon in Scorpio makes for a career insight that can change your function. More control, less running around, more personal touch and recognition. It’s something you’ve considered but didn’t know how to get there. You’re about to see the light.
PISCES feels limited by a health or emotional condition. It’s slow going to heal the past when you’re face to face with past loves, past mistakes and past decisions. The fogginess you experience with big emotions makes it challenging to find your path. The Eclipses affected you deeply around self- worth by seeing your decisions of the last twenty eight/ fourteen years.
The New Moon brings a gust of new hope in the belief that you can get through this time. Your children or loves are helpful and standing by. Look into self-help modalities that can soothe the harshness of your judgments. Meditate with your inner guide.
Tanda Tashjian
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