The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon on November 8 at 3:02 AM is at 16 degrees of Taurus. This Lunar Eclipse features a conjunction to Uranus, opposition to Mercury and square to Saturn. Simply put this lunation is electric and disruptive.
Full Moons bring events and feelings to a head from the last six months. They bring a closure to a series of events that have been building. Lunar Eclipses are non-negotiable. What ends or goes away is gone. Situations arise that are surprising and unexpected. Accidents will happen.
The upcoming Lunar Eclipse is a super- charged astrology event. Due to the Saturn/Uranus square events that began in late September- October bring a series of consequences that are shocking and unplanned. What is expected will not happen and what is unexpected will.
The period of the two eclipses, one on October 25 and the next one on November 8 brings any energy that is compressed out into the open. You feel what is tight or blocked on a physical, emotional or psychological level. The compression of energy is being stretched out. During this period it is through the cosmic stretching that you might feel resistance. When you resist letting go and force something you will feel the blockage.
If you’re in love or on the verge of a big business deal you get thrown a curve ball. Taurus is ruled by Venus and Venus is squared by Saturn opposed by Uranus. This series of aspects plays out when someone or news about someone you’ve been involved with comes into the picture and a complication ensues. The complication is electric and absolute in that it wipes out the way you thought things would go with cash or love.
Eclipses speed up time. You might feel like you are in a weird time warp when past, present and future converge. The time travel of things makes it easy to lose the unitive thread of events and meaning. Stay calm no matter what happens as eclipses change your plans and surprise you by what is revealed.
Remember, the last Solar Eclipse on October 25 and the Lunar Eclipse on November 8 are in Scorpio and Taurus respectively. With Pluto ending in Capricorn and Uranus transiting Venus unpredictable events that are life changing happen.
Pluto rules life and death and nuclear energy. In Capricorn Pluto affects traditions and government. Uranus rules disruption, earthquakes and anarchy as well as aeronautics and international terrorism. All of these areas could be in play.
In terms of your personal life, expect news or a decision that upends plans around what you’re fixed on. Earth events might threaten as well as crazy demonstrations and random violence. Try to have a low- key eclipse day without too many plans as eclipses often bring a situation that urgently needs to be responded to.
If something or someone goes away or ends a relationship don’t be shocked. Often with Pluto there’s a third party that is revealed. Since the last eclipse in Scorpio many had a rocky road when a third party entered the picture.
Leading up to the Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Taurus on November 8 you might awaken feeling nervous and anxious about what is impending. This could be a collective phenomenon or an individual one.
Remember to stabilize yourself by breathing and staying calm. Plan the days before and after with respites in nature and by grounding yourself with exercise and rest. If you feel overcharged and panicky don’t play into the jagged excitement that unfolds.
Crazy or volatile people could enact more violence in Washington. There might be something that is regrettable that changes things in the future.
What happens under an eclipse especially during a lunar eclipse is final. There is no going back. If you have a planet or angle that is close to 16 degrees of Taurus please pay attention to what is revealed or enacted around this time. You might lose something or someone that you’re attached to. During this period view what happens as a necessary development that takes something out of your life so you can go on. You might not agree with what happens or the information you receive yet it is for your higher good.
Use this time to relax and not control things. You can survive this period by not going fast, being patient and connecting with a spirit of love and gratefulness you have within. If you feel controlled by something or someone try to see things from their standpoint. Do not use things or people unless you want to be used in kind. This is a period where karma is cumulative and intense. Every step matters. Be in the know with what your right and left hand is doing in your world. A wake- up call is coming!!
ARIES feels like you’re going backwards. Mars in Gemini makes for rethinking conversations and decisions. You are at the end of some resource that is financial or personal. If you have recently changed how you make a living, there might be a sharp surprise waiting. You don’t need to fear as something unexpected comes and picks up the slack. TV and technology have an influence now that is accelerated.
The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon brings money issues with a home or remodel. Support what is progressive and environmentally friendly. Watch out for waste and excess in buying or selling. Your ideas are gaining traction with important people. Just don’t buy a car until mid- January and don’t expect things to move quickly. Be the stillness in the center of the cyclone.
TAURUS has anxiety with your own or another’s money. Mars retrograde makes you rethink a purchase or investment. Any secrets or hidden aspect comes forwards. You might be jumpy or overthinking things with this Eclipse. Waking up and having a hard time going back to sleep will make you irritable or abrupt. Be calm and plan a massage or acupuncture to soften the rough edges. Gallbladder is the organ in Chinese medicine that has to do with anger.
The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon makes conditions arise that involve endings or separation. If those you love are close, spend time with them intimately. Tell everyone you love them. Emotionally someone might act out. Don’t be surprised by anything. Keep the center, be the calm one in the room and if your tv or device misbehaves count yourself lucky. This is a dramatic time that unlocks what is stuck.
GEMINI has Mars retrograde on your Sun. You are impatient and angry and your body is taking the hit. If you have been offended by anyone or anything limit ruminating. Emotions will go to your body. This period can affect health and mood and precipitate endings.
The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon reveals things and secrets about someone that you’re involved with. It could be a client, a lover or a family member. The information comes to you in a private or backhanded way. Take your time and don’t react. Be centered when driving or working out. This is a period when a responsibility that you’ve been carrying changes. Embrace the freedom and your next act.
CANCER is having a physical or emotional reaction to events that have been building since August. Mars in your twelfth house makes for sleepless nights or aimless worrying. You cannot control life but you must control yourself. Anger and depression show up when you least expect it. Use your sense of authority to steer the situation away from moodiness towards neutrality. Movement will release stress.
The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon makes whatever you’re dealing with more intense. Friends or a key person are unpredictable. You are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Don’t step into the ring. Now is the time to accept what is changing and go onto the next act. It’s in your best interest to let a new day take its’ course. You don’t know what is next; allow help to support you in your quest.
LEO is at the end of a difficult period. You’ve felt alone and separated from those you love even if they’re close by. Mars in your house of friends makes things awkward and stagnant. If you intuit that you’re holding back out of fear, look at what’s gone on since August and correct any breach. Your plans for the future are temporarily halted. Be patient with any foreign or internet business.
The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon affects endings in the career, relationship or with a project. If you want to end something it happens quickly. A partner might act crazily and experience a windfall or loss. Be the center in the storm. If you’re offered something new allow the due diligence to help you go slowly even if it demands immediate commitment. Your life is about to go to another level.
VIRGO is aggravated by wanting to move faster and yet feeling constrained by circumstances. You’re having to go back over things you thought were set. Money and debt play a big role in limiting your actions.
The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon affects your goals and dreams. You feel a new passion for plans that you’ve forgotten. Make use of your tools and support group to uphold plans that are far reaching. The future is on the horizon. Control your moods and delegate responsibility to partners or representatives that can help. You are favorably assisted now and can plan the next act without interruption.
LIBRA has Pluto leaving your home and family sector. The deep changes that came since 2008 with family are being summarized through March. Your capacity to feel secure has increased in the last few years and goes through a review through Spring. Jupiter back in Aries at the end of December brings any prosperity full circle that began last May- October. Mars retrograde brings back an issue from August with a partner for discussion.
The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon on November 8 makes for unpredictability with money and bills. If a past project brings an extreme windfall or a loss don’t be surprised. Financial issues go through quick changes. The career and your reputation are affected when you force things. Be calm if lightning strikes and takes something away . Your energy is liberated to go on to something higher.
SCORPIO has dealings with partners and clients that surprise and accelerate in intensity. Your feelings about the home or someone in the home shock you. Any disruptive experience stems more from the past than the present. Be psychologically astute and don’t react. Sit with yourself with what arises.
The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon is irrevocable. Endings and releases come seemingly out of the blue. Yet if you look back you can trace the progression. Home life might seem chaotic and irrational. Hearts beat excitedly in anticipation. If you feel panicky sit and take time to recover. It might be an internal experience that has its roots in the family system working itself out. Be aware of how far you’ve come.
SAGITTARIUS has the makings of your fortune returning. Your last 14 years have taught you the meaning of money. You are casual and lucky yet luck hasn’t been so plentiful lately. Pluto leaving your money house makes for a bookend of what happened in 2008. Mars opposing you retrograde brings fights back that were put on hold.
The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon makes your energy wildly accelerate and drop. Be easy with all the endings at work. Your process is to find peace with what’s going. The decision you’ve been waiting for is in the works. You’ll either be home free or randomly roaming. Meditate on impermanence and don’t force things that are meant to be over.
CAPRICORN has a bookend period coming. What was the true meaning of the last 14 years is about to be known. Saturn is summarizing both good and not good decisions financially. Don’t beat yourself if the horse you bet on doesn’t come in. The money lesson is actually a lesson in trust. Trust yourself and your inner voice to decide the right thing.
The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon brings an end to a way of creating. Whether it’s film, tv or business, your style is about to be disrupted and modernized. Tell the story you want to tell but make sure it’s understandable. The Other is in for a windfall or the opposite. This surprising time favors the long shot. Learn about your own blockage and let go of what you hold tightly onto.
AQUARIUS has the end of two and a half long years of toil and trouble. Getting ready for your release into civilian life is hard after you’ve become so used to being on a tour of duty. Your hidden pride has seen the light. Modesty and acceptance are working for you.
The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon makes for career adjustments. This aspect takes something or someone out of your life and bring something better. If the body or health protests take time to reset. Get rid of the clutter and make your home a sanctuary. You’ve been through a hard period and are just about to see the light.
PISCES preps by dealing with what’s been on hold the last few years. Don’t be in a hurry to get everything ironed out. It takes time to deal with what’s been hidden. The anger you’re feeling is real. Go back over what seemed so easy and express the part that you muted.
The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon brings an unprecedented decision about travel, learning or a contract. The child or lover shows secret vulnerabilities you didn’t anticipate. This episode is a curve ball in your ordered world. Be the bigger one and accept what is exposed. The reality of your life unfolds in a way you didn’t think would happen. Be at peace with the family even if they’re impossible to understand.
Tanda Tashjian
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