Astrology determines the energy and condition of what happens, you decide how to respond. If you think that astrology preordains what actually happens, you ‘re giving it too much power. You have the power to deal with the planets and change an outcome that’s on the horizon.
Astrology helps describe the condition and your possible default. It’s you that changes the pattern of the habit by harmonizing with the energy.
An opportune astrology condition is coming the last two weeks of this month after the North Node conjuncts Mars. During this time, you can act on a new beginning that requires courage and energy.
Mars is going over the place of the Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 8. There is an energy building since April 8 that helps you realize any new beginning that you’ve been struggling with. If you’re at war with yourself or another accept the conflict. Don’t waste precious Mars energy by fighting yourself or the Other.
Mars in Aries is aggressive, angry, direct, a warrior. You need to be a warrior now with a condition that’s been distressing you for too long. Plan a strategy and stick with it.
Putin (A Libra) will become even more aggressive. Accidents can happen.
With Mars in Aries through June 9, Libras feel war-like and angry. Pause the button and give peace a chance.
Most everyone on Planet Earth is angry about something. Put your anger to good purpose by redirecting your rage to help. Do something that you’ve put off for too long. Use the anger to move a mountain, start a housecleaning project, write your version of the Great American screenplay, do a tougher workout. Don’t let anger fester and stagnate. It will turn on you.
The Full Moon on May 23 at 6:53 AM PST brings conflicted issues with the courts and schools from the last six months.
Jupiter goes into Gemini for the next year on May 25. Jupiter is not strong in Gemini. Watch the markets and spending tighten up.
During the next year:
Expand your thinking to include both sides. Start with your mind and your complaint. If you go to negativity first, you get stuck. Try out neutrality to interrupt the compulsion of the negative. Walk a mile in the other person’s shoes. And then respond.
Wealth will be more available to schools for educational purposes.
More investments in graphic novels and gaming is active.
A Judge or a court personage is taken hostage.
Thought control techniques are everywhere.
The advertising world changes form. Videos and print lose ground.
People will try anything in order to feel less disconnected.
The concept of time and the past will be altered.
Less still photography and books that make the images move will be popular.
A lot of influencing and trending taking up space.
Siblings get closer and make-up.
The Full Moon on May 23 brings a time of potential wisdom where a new way of thinking about the future is hopeful.
Mr. Gemini Trump might experience a bring-down. And a last minute save by his guardian angel.
A lot of buying and selling in the market place. Foreign markets falter then are strong.
Don’ t let excess or appetite go into extreme. Jupiter in Gemini with the Full Moon brings back bingeing on someone or something.
It’s the thought of the thing that has the most power. Gemini is more about thought than desire. Jupiter can lead to excess. And unexpected weight gain.
Mars conjoins Chiron, the wounded healer during the last four days of May. ARIES, watch out for an old wound with the Father or an issue with unresolved rage. For the rest of us an old wound around sexuality, anger or primal energy is back and screaming.
Cars and guns will be in the news. Possibly angry outbursts of violence.
Under the Full Moon in Sagittarius on May 23, compete in an athletic event, go to a new place or try stand-up for a night. Adventure beyond your comfort zone and live to tell the tale.
Between now and May 23, watch Gemini cut many lines in his attempt to be first and powerful. He’ll get slapped down.
And remember, the outer world is the macro of the inner world.
Give peace a chance.
ARIES holds your own. In a boundary or land issue you are pushed to defend yourself. Start a new pattern and don’t go to war. Being on the other side of aggression is eye opening.
The Full Moon integrates your beliefs with how you act. You are more aligned when you relate actions to ideas. The future is built on energy and thoughts that are repetitive. Chiron brings out the hurt in you as a way to extend compassion in the present.
TAURUS has between four and five planets in your sign, now. Normally Taurus works to keep the comfort zone comfortable. Now you want to shake it up.
The Full Moon brings an issue forward from the last six months about debt, money, inheritance and power. Don’t get thrown by a surprise request. Your attitude is changing as you’ve changed.
GEMINI has many Taurus placements in your twelfth house. You are secretly being undermined in a friendly way. Your mind channels strategy if someone thinks they can outsmart you.
The Full Moon brings the urge to overeat, overspend or overreact. Be cool with your largesse and stand firm.
CANCER is surrounded by friends and colleagues. You consult the right people and get a plan going. Mars makes for action that is defensive against a heightened perception of an ongoing situation. Back off from war.
The Full Moon brings an issue with a pet or your own health and there’s a link up to the wild ride of your emotions. Safety means a lot to you. Relax with the overamping or it will affect your heart. Trust the small quiet voice inside that speaks from the heart.
LEO is turning a corner and feeling the energy to move on. Your timing is perfect to deal with others’ complacency. Accept others as they are, remember to count yourself in .If you feel blocked by someone professionally, go around them with a new alternative.
The Full Moon brings a shower of love from another, kids and creative partners. Be zen when changing the tone of a relationship. You are the boss of you. No secret is more potent than your own authority. Don’t take it for granted.
VIRGO is facing a crisis with a relationship or professional identity. Saturn builds up pressure to make a decision from now through June 29. Do the foundational work through November 15. There is too much overwhelm and your energy is dragging.
The Full Moon highlights the home, a property or the family. You’re so used to the concept of service, it’s time to consider what works. You might have too many options. It’s challenging to pick the right one. Get closer to yourself and meditate on your path. Don’t let money be the only priority.
LIBRA has many irons in the fire. From thought to strategy to action you can balance it all. Be cool with any trapped rage within. Don’t trip yourself up. Take enough care of your health and well- being to get back up to speed. Debt and money is a pressure sporadically.
The Full Moon brings a decision or information about career that turns things around. Be positive and optimistic. Most businesses are in flux now. Go through your options and take the best route to stabilize during an uneven economy.
SCORPIO is having a challenging time with so many Taurus planets from a partner or client. The sure thing might backfire. Stabilize your core and don’t overreact. The see saw of life changed direction. What you thought you wanted is suddenly up for grabs.
The Full Moon brings a money or investment thing into sharper focus. Don’t miss the train or it will leave the station without you. Go to a higher power if you’ve lost faith in someone or yourself. Many moods for Scorpio precede a change for the better.
SAGITTARIUS is about to get a windfall of money or kudos. Jupiter moving into Gemini on May 25 brings many expectations and possible good luck through partners for the next year. Time to make your move and collect the balance. Your mind is on fire with many possibilities, some of them foreign.
The Full Moon brings a stressor to a head regarding money lent or owed. Watch five days before the Full Moon, the day of the Full Moon and five days afterward to get the answer. Digest the question and read the cards carefully. Your fortune awaits.
CAPRICORN has the Taurus placements helping you get a handle on the wild ride of the last fourteen years. You’re calmer even if some problems still bug you. Kids and creative work are blessings. Your mind is steadier and more consistent. Pluto has one more dance with you; pay attention to how Pluto’s meaning is summarized.
The Full Moon brings promises with or by a partner to a head. You’re waiting for the chickens to hatch. Note your dreams. If something unpredictable arrives, accept the message and your emotions return to peace. Capricorn desires safety and security in order to thrive.
AQUARIUS is experiencing a purging of what you truly need and what to let go of. Pluto’s transit is relentless and keeps on coming. The very core of your being is being purified. The current Taurus placements of planets sits on your foundation and shakes up what you’ve built.
The Full Moon in Sagittarius brings a helpful friend into the picture. Listen to wisdom and absorb the message that is clear. If your business has changed or is receding, go back to basics and stick with what you know. Let your friend help you strategize by telling them the truth.
PISCES has Mars stimulating your money and personal values house. You’re being pressured to come up with resources that you didn’t know you had. Reach down inside to your core to summon the strength to respond to all the requests. You’re feeling corrected and sobered, awakened from a dream.
The Full Moon in Sagittarius on May 23 makes for a stressor that you can handle. You have the capacity to come up with how to be the most loving and compassionate to yourself and others. When doubt is rebalanced, you can trust yourself. Health needs rest and peace. Be calm with all the waves washing over you.
Tanda Tashjian
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