THE New Moon on May 19 in Taurus is in an aspect called a stellium. A stellium is a series of planets that are in the same sign or in a series of degrees that function as a block of energy. It’s a power aspect that focuses laser-like on the department of life the sign rules.
Taurus is a fixed earth sign. Ruled by Venus, Taurus represents pleasure, nature, love, art and cash. It rules finances and affection.
If you’re wondering where is my pleasure in life, you’re not alone.
With the New Moon squaring Saturn, the energy is focused on solving a problem about love, pleasure and money.
The wear and tear of life is limited to work, surviving and staying sane.
Blame Pluto and Saturn.
Pluto moving out of the familiar Capricorn place of work and traditional responsibility makes for a huge planetary change that brings uncertainty and anxiety.
Saturn moved into Pisces and brought all that you hold onto, into question. Pisces springs the existential question what is the meaning of this time, relationship, project, new dress in the enormity of the cosmos?
The New Moon on May 19 asks for a solution. Find the pleasure in life. Find the sweetness, find the thing you want to taste and enjoy.
Look for what you did as a child that didn’t have to add up to money, security and survival.
The pressure of life is too much and too present to allow for a time of rediscovery.
Serious questions about the state of the world, surviving and dominating are hitting a wall.
The seriously unhappy predictions are:
The dreaded debt ceiling question could be an aspect of this New Moon. It might get pushed to the brink along with your security.
A leader could be felled by a health or unpredictable event. Earthquake, earth event or something that lands as a political event could destabilize the economy. A stellium focuses energy in a big way. Taurus is your cash and there’s a threat it might go down the drain.
Your individual life is starving for more love, pleasure and security. But, people are not up to dealing with anything other than the day to day. It is possible within the day to day that a long con gets played when no one sees the big picture.
If you’re beginning with a new person or a new business, be aware that an exalted New Moon together with Uranus tips the positive into the unpredictable.
If you have an expectation of continuity you might be surprised.
A glamorous couple fights while a music man goes through a trauma.
Money and cash could go up and down radically.
Love and family security have a surprise development from out of the blue.
Love and values are ruled by Taurus. Go through a period of self-examination around your relationships. How to value them? The past is retriggered from a present event when the effects of the last Lunar Eclipse plays out.
You might need to do a 180 with a commitment. Love goes upside down on many levels. If someone from the past shows up, it upsets the status quo. Chaos could affect the most stable.
Mercury going direct on May 14 brings more communication up to speed. The underside of the Eclipse reveals itself. If someone in your life is not genuine, come up for air.
Jupiter is in square with Pluto. Any set- up for transaction is outed. Simply put, the shadow side of a relationship shows itself. If you’re shocked or surprised look back to what happened under the Eclipses. All the indications were there.
A fascistic sub -theme emerges in the world. More power is the focus. If you’re with someone for reasons other than love, it becomes clearer. Your cards get called. If you freak out, you can walk away. Otherwise, grin and bear it.
Jupiter squaring Pluto represents the usury aspect of greed and manipulation. If you want to be free and easy in relationship this period is not for you. Any arrangements will be binding. Be careful of all dealings with contracts and selling. Business developments that appear to be equal will be exposed in time to be a long con. Government makes mistakes that will end up costing.
This period might seem trifling yet it will prove to be one of the bigger indications of a global shift. All the secrets will be exposed in time. People are in their higher (or lower) natures. Innocent spontaneity is a thing of the past. “It is what is” becomes basic and deadly.
Try to remember when you did something without a strategy.
Be close to yourself and allow the higher part of yourself to lead. The crude self grabs for more. What is insatiable will be crystal -clear. Be genuine with those you love. This is a turning point time to let go of all the fake stuff. I love you is the theme in its’ most natural and genuine state. Making heaven on earth is the new mission.
All that is left determines the future.
ARIES is all about the money and value now. When your plans get curtailed by time, space and reality don’t let aggressiveness mix with anger. Be sane and don’t look for psychological doomsday solutions. Be a careful and not reactive driver when running late.
An issue in your family might make you react. Greed and usury seem to dominate the world around you. Go to a higher place and offer what you can in a realistic way. A boss is circuitous about a new project. Jupiter leaves your sign and goes into your financial house. Let the gifts you have speak for your worth.
TAURUS has the New Moon in your sign. Mood changes go from happiness to unpredictability to meaning to a question about limits and love. You might need a break from so much pressure. Tamp down your habit of overperforming.
Mars opposed to Pluto around the 23rd challenges the power in your home/family sector. The stress that you’re dealing with is focused on your sense of value and self -worth. Make decisions based on what works for you and your sense of responsibility within the family. Be true to what you’re tasked with and don’t lose your bearings.
GEMINI has a secret. Your secret life needs to be expressed. It reflects a sense of how you value yourself and your purpose. Anger about money and being pushed come at you from family that assume you should do more for them. Hold your ground and take care of yourself.
You might be stressed about how to enjoy a new phase of life. So many things to do and not enough time. Be strong around any corrections and make them without apology. Sleep and rest are the big events now. Dream the beautiful dream and hold your pets close.
CANCER is focused on your group. Friends, colleagues and important people are around. There is a reality check from a friend or with whom you work. Be kind and patient even if you want to scream. Lies and jealousy are not relevant yet you need to remain calm in the face of them. The person responsible slips back into the crowd.
Emotionally someone close provokes you. They are passive aggressive with the thing you value most. Your temper is aroused. Redirect the energy into a concrete expression. Don’t spend the day crying over spilt milk when you can feed yourself with food that makes you stronger.
LEO is focused on your career. The thing you thought would happen takes a left turn. Unpredictable events turn up and more comes to light. If you’re making an investment in something or someone, don’t rush. Be slow and sure of yourself.
Your power time arrives after May 20. The thing you want actually comes to you when the fantasy island aspect of the deal disappears. You feel conflicted by all the plates spinning. Focus on the pleasure of creativity and true love follows.
VIRGO has foreign markets and internet business to take care of. Your dreams of the future take an unpredictable turn. The thing you expected to happen didn’t yet what comes out of the blue turns out better. Be aware of any energy that brings you down. Make the mind a friend, not an enemy.
Your professional group reforms around you. Do your best to center your goal on what you want. Identify what you value and continue moving towards it. After the 20th be aware that you can go backwards. Doubt and lack of confidence challenges your agenda. Don’t give into it. Be one pointed in creating the future.
LIBRA has a lot going on with money owed. You might get paid something that has been pending for a long time. You might also get hit with a surprise debt. Be balanced and it can work out. The New Moon in your eighth house brings up the old issues about sexuality and crisis. If you’re not partnered, be patient. If you have a partner, be strong and love them back.
Career is changeable. The thing you counted on gets delayed and the thing that was the long shot arrives. You might get manipulated by a colleague. Truth wins out and June promises a good return. Be satisfied with your work and life. The emotional bias of inadequacy is entropic. Good beginnings, good endings. Ethics go to another level.
SCORPIO has the focus on the Other. There are changes afoot and they’re unpredictable. The New Moon in your seventh house can’t help but focus on partnership and clients. The long -term plan involves some kind of moving. A new house, a new country, a new state of mind. The future beckons and you’re already living it. Emotionally you might feel opposed by unexpected events.
If things don’t happen on time, stay centered. The combination of meditation and self- awareness heads off outbursts and keeps the peace. Keeping the peace is in your best interest. After the 20th you might get easily aggravated. Do physical things to stay calm and watch for how your desire for change provokes you. The only thing you need to do now is to focus on what is in front of you.
SAGITTARIUS has the time and energy to think about money and power. Reframe your plan to include an unexpected work/project development. The debt house is adding up fast. Opportunity is on the horizon in a new form. Allow for your sense of pride part to switch gears.
Be zen with what others think.
The New Moon says make sure you’re doing all the health self- care things. Watch rich foods and too much volume. Your mind might be prone to looking on the darker side but Jupiter’s optimism can be called upon. The home or family goes through a correction. Make a decision that is in the best interests of all. When Jupiter changes on May 16 your ship comes in. You might have to fight to collect it.
CAPRICORN has the New Moon in your house of romance and creativity. In a time of no joy, Capricorn actually has fun. The love affair with a person or project helps you ascend to a new place in your inner world. Go to the part that brings you happiness. The child in you awakens to an aspect you forgot about.
Mars changes signs on May 20. The things you were up against are waning. Prosperity is close by when you shift gears. Your mental capacity to negotiate needs to be called upon. You can close the deal on bringing your sense of security back. Love and value is king. Value what you have and give. You are love.
AQUARIUS has the New Moon in your house of the home and family. Unpredictable life events bring change that you didn’t see coming. What has gone or ended is still with you. Use this time to mourn the past life and plan the next one. Work and purpose are fated and inspired. Allow the visions to speak. Take a strong stand with someone that you work with.
The need to see the future comes into your dreams. Let the inner psyche help you communicate
with the Unknown. Film, television, music and meditation are all intertwined. They involve expressing a vision of another reality in the now. Allow your timeline to have a mind of its’ own. Let the inner guidance assist you into the future. Be prepared to live on many levels with your heart.
PISCES has the New Moon in your house of short travel and lower mind. You might be mixed up in your thinking. Let clarity come to you through a process, not a reaction. The restriction you feel in your life helps you define the next step. In the past your confidence determined a course of action. Sit still and contemplate what you perceive.
Mars changes signs on May 20. Work becomes aggravated and speedy. Pay attention to your health and any overheating. So many of your plans might need to be deferred and put on the back burner. Love, romance and children need more balance with your expectations. Be aware of yourself from a different place. You alone can change your agenda.
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