How did we get here?
And just like that, things changed.
What is up is down and what’s down is up.
The game goes on and on and on.
Pluto entered Aquarius last January and many extremes hit full force. Weather, politics, newspeak are hyper-speeding through time.
Pluto goes retrograde May 2- October 11 and we trace Aquarius all the way back to Capricorn for its’ last time.
Pluto ending Capricorn signals a roughness in the good ole boy club,,, being controlled by an obvious Big Brother, seeing all the Machiavellian routines begin to dysfunction.
Pluto retrograde is a time to look at where you’ve been controlled, bullied and disempowered by a person, professional connection or corporation/government. It’s a critical time to become aware of how your obsessions, compulsions and addictions make you a hostage.
If in a relationship, look at where you or the other have bullied, blackmailed or controlled each other and how it’s been destructive to yourself and the Other.
Meditate on May 2 for a new view of any redundant situation and intuit a potential way to change the dynamic that controls you.
This very valuable time goes on through October 11 when something difficult can get turned around.
In the short run, watch the New Moon on May 7 and what it brings.
In the world, the New Moon might bring
An act of terrorism and more international power grabs.
Market swoons with A I technology.
A banking scam or hi-tech heist.
A nuclear accident waiting in the wings.
A sad end for a clown.
There can be more money trysts and hi -powered partnering and investing.
Coming to terms with what’s pleasurable in life will be necessary.
Falling in love at first sight could be followed by falling out of love shortly afterward.
Some will experience the capriciousness of romance with an undertone of a love supreme.
Music and art will dominate. A new artist a la Prince will come on the scene.
Cannes will celebrate a special film and performance.
The weather will be heavenly in some places and disruptive in other areas.
The inner life of many people will move towards simplicity and creature comforts.
We’re still in the shadow of Mercury retrograde until May 15 so business and negotiations might fall through or be misconstrued. Communications are slow and arduous.
The high Observance day in the Taoist calendar is May 8. Make a special request for your loved ones to be safe, secure and prosperous on this day. Light some incense and connect with what’s above. It’s a good luck day especially if you’re Taurus or where you have Taurus placements in your chart.
We’re in a weird shift of time and energy. Adapt to the New Age of Pluto in Aquarius.
After November 20 things change; the past will disappear in the cosmic dust of Pluto in Capricorn.
When Pluto goes fully into Aquarius in November, be more aware of what superpower you have. Take ownership of your inventiveness. Be the one that offers a specialty service and you’ll be in high demand.
Individuals with skills in creating solutions to any sort of problem will be sought out. The outcast individuals who are brilliant performers will succeed exponentially.
Cultivate within you that which is unusual and altruistic. Try to not make money the only priority. What worked in business when Pluto was in Capricorn won’t work after Pluto fully goes into Aquarius.
The gift that promotes the health and well- being of the group and the planet will be successful.
Be the one that shines the Light where there’s darkness. Let your special gift blaze a new trail for all to prevail.
ARIES is activated with energy, anger and competition. With Mars in your sign, you shake off the sleepiness of the last few months and deal with what has piled up. Your temper is hard to contain especially with those moving at a slower pace. Your secret fear of being confined by a relationship confuses your dreams. Pluto retrograde on May 2- October 11 helps to address powerless feelings around life and death and your sense of personal power especially in intimate relationships.
The New Moon brings a financial surprise through a friend or colleague. The home or your house needs attention which means a money drain on assets. Sometimes even you feel lost at sea, anxious to be on the road but not knowing where to go next.
TAURUS everything’s coming up roses for you with money and fun yet you are disquieted by something that weighs on you. Tolerating life’s disappointments and guilt is painful. May 2- October 11 brings a reassessment of your dynamic with a partner/client and new ideas about how to change the pattern.
The New Moon on May 7 brings sweetness and unpredictability to a head with a celebration. A lot of things line up nicely in a row. You may be struck by a rogue feeling. Tell your mind to stop focusing on negativity and take a few days off from internal pressure. You’ll come back renewed and open to a new cycle.
GEMINI has a vague disappointment with expectations. Something is not turning out the way you originally saw it and you feel stuck in a void. It might have to do with resources or power and a question about yourself. You want to let it go yet you hold on thinking things will change. At the end of May things get a lot better for the next year and there’s more financial relief. Pluto retrograde May 2-October 11 brings obsessing about work, pets and health to a more tolerable place.
The New Moon in Taurus on May 7 brings what’s hidden to a head. The emotional disconnect that happens as a result of overthinking takes a toll. Cool it with the stressing and too much talking. Be quiet with yourself and relax.
CANCER is impatient to move and might force things. Be tolerant with another’s tempo and play a duet with them. You don’t to keep directing the action. When you’re too bossy, anger and frustration build up this month. Soon Jupiter will help your unconscious be more generous to yourself. Pluto retrograde on May 7 – October 11 helps you see how controlling the partner comes from fear of separation. Be neutral with possessiveness.
The New Moon on May 7 promises to be a festive period of love and the senses. Eat, walk, enjoy nature in its bloom. You have come through a dark night and are approaching the other side. Hold the insights within to be able to stay on the path. Don’t count the losses. Everything in life ebbs. Be honest with yourself about your side of the dynamic. It will free up your resources internally. You don’t need to keep directing the action.
LEO has more energy to make the changes that you’ve planned. Any power issues with a partner can be thought through during Pluto retrograde starting May 2 – October 11. The home/office is central. Try to be more neutral with your fears and don’t act totally from ego- based motivations.
The New Moon on May 7 brings conflict with extremes from past expansion. You’re afraid of hidden feelings being outed. Be Zen with your strategy. Don’t put the cart before the horse. Leo is love and joy and has irrepressible confidence that you’ll get through anything. Study the Sun’s connection to your life force and warm yourself.
VIRGO is having a tough time with partners and your work identity. You are weighed down with responsibility and are tired of it all. Time for a change of life commitment for the next fourteen years. Pluto retrograde helps deal with power issues that are like a runaway train. Get a hold of yourself and quiet your mind. Money is energy that needs to be freed up from worry.
The New Moon on May 7 brings a pause to an overburdened schedule. The work ethic of Virgo keeps driving yet you can experience joy in nature and with kids. Contemplate what your helpers and internal guidance says. You can find a way through the curve ball life is throwing. Virgo is about remedy and service. Don’t fear the next thing that shows up. It could be a creative solution.
LIBRA is feeling opposed by others. Sometimes things flow and are seamless. This month you might feel pushed and pulled by a situation with a partner or client. You set the tone and don’t need to kowtow yet you feel your head is on a chopping block. Pluto retrograde May 2- October 11 brings a compulsive worry about money, resources and power. Limit any obsessiveness and find a better way of coping.
The New Moon on May 7 brings an opportunity to get out of debt and reset. Family finances are troublesome. Pace yourself when overworking. Focus on what the future needs and put things in place to realize it. You might want to go backwards in order to go forward.
SCORPIO has Pluto retrograde on May 2- October 11. You can find a way to heal where you’ve felt powerless. If you bully and manipulate yourself into feelings of low self -esteem, observe the process. You are a powerhouse of energy that needs delicate balance. The next twenty years is a foray into your shadow self where your resiliency will be challenged. Mars currently is taking a toll on day to day health. Rest and pay attention to the body.
The New Moon on May 7 brings an opportunity to enjoy nature and beauty. The sweetness of life often evades you. Travel with your mind or your body to expand your horizons. Don’t put off plans for the future. Experience the unconditional love of pets and nature. It will heal what is hurting.
SAGITTARIUS feels ambitious with creativity and dreamy with the home. You need to release the rigidity of the parts that are no longer needed. Contemplate when you’re not there and when you are too much, even for yourself. Pluto retrograde May 2- October 11 makes you aware of the intensity of your demands and the hidden bully within. Consider a new dynamic.
The New Moon on May 7 is a buffet of pleasure and unpredictability. Sexuality and power arrangements change. The feeling of contentment that is so elusive is a mystery and a challenge that you take personally. Be a little simpler with living.
CAPRICORN is doing a lot of deep thinking. You need to manage your time and not be frivolous with assets. Be aware of your limits and respect them. Saturn confuses you about what matters. Pluto retrograde May 2- October 11 brings up questions about what is friendship based on. This period is an important time for you to plan projects for the next year and a half.
The New Moon on May 7 brings a friendly break with all the heaviness. The partner is trying to lighten the heavy load you carry. Enjoy the sun, nature and let life speak to your needs. You don’t have to be Atlas and carry the whole shebang. Let it go for a New York minute.
AQUARIUS is thrown back on itself. Pluto going retrograde on May 2-October 11 is the time to work on where you are obsessed with being bullied or are bullying. This issue impacts a home, the family and your psyche. You cannot keep ignoring what you are attached to. This time is necessary to pay attention and not brush off stress. It’s a direct communication from your heart.
The New Moon on May 7 brings a message about how your financial world is connected to your physical well -being. More questions about home, property and family keep coming. Deal with each conflict from your core. Inner strength is the way through this time. Don’t doubt your perception, be flexible.
PISCES Saturn brings questions about health and alerts you to any weakness. You can rebuild where you feel old and tired during Saturn’s transit. Plan enough time for your health and well-being. Work and productivity don’t mean much when your life force suffers. Pluto retrograde May 2- October 11 brings a new perspective on your fears and the inner enemy. Neptune requires a deep belief system to contain the angst.
The New Moon on May 7 brings a respite of relaxation and affection. Beloved animals need a clean bill of health and your love. Take the time on May 7-8 to give back to the Unknown. Interrupted sleep is a sign of the mind overworking. Give yourself a rest from the harsh part of your inner dictator. You can control your mind. Open your heart to yourself with all of you.
Tanda Tashjian
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