You might feel like you’re stuck between two different worlds. A world that is inclusive, compassionate and oceanic or a world that is fighting, self- centered and over confidant.
There’s a split between the planets in Pisces and the planets about to go into Aries.
Pisces is a water sign that is mutable, foggy, oceanic, escapist, visionary, otherworldly and mystical. Aries is a cardinal fire sign that rules self-promotion, is pugilistic, a leader, guns, war , fire, and must be first.
You might be toggling between both and not understanding the play between these very different energies.
Mercury is about to be in Aries with Venus and Saturn while Neptune and Saturn in Pisces goes into Aries in the spring.
This makes for the uneven dance of transcending the self (Pisces) and being absorbed by the self (Aries).
It’s the Alpha and Omega of the zodiac. Aries is the first sign and Pisces the last sign.
Venus goes retrograde in Aries on March 1 and back into Pisces and Mercury goes retrograde on March 15 and back into Pisces.
The energies couldn’t be more different and unrelated.
And that’s how you might feel right now; different, standing apart from life and disconnected.
With Venus in Aries retrograde, love is confusing, angry and me first until March 27 when Venus goes back into Pisces. Love becomes more about self-sacrifice, evolution, victimhood, illusion and fantasy.
If you’re in a love relationship you probably experience elements of both and it’s disconcerting. You don’t know where you are, who you are, and doubt where you begin and the other ends.
Mercury retrograde mid-March confuses everything; you can’t stop thinking about how they should be and how they should love you. You love them and yet it all turns to nothingness in a flash. Get onto yourself.
The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon during March 13 is alternately depressing, dramatic, unrealistic. A Lunar Eclipse signals the end of old attitudes, people, jobs, and forced connections to make way for new life. This new life has to do with health, well-being, process, and purification. A lot of lying and truths and falsity appear to be real.
The 1st through March 15 sets up a new beginning that has to do with fighting, war, leadership, anger and military men. Remember there’s a lot of falseness in the air masking as reality.
Back to practical astrology, do not sign papers or deal memos after mid March especially if you’re concerned about the shadow of mercury start watching what you sign after March 1. No big deals, no big commitments and no buying communication devices.
Venus Is retrograde after March 1. No expensive beauty products, new clothes, things you have to love or skin procedures like lasers and deep facial cleaning.
Mars is direct in Cancer and a lot of projects that have been on hold and going backwards since October start moving forward. The speed will feel like a snail’s pace until March 10. This aspect helps you understand what’s motivating your actions.
It’s important to stay in the middle of everything that happens. Be neutral with the most crazy things that go down. Pisces is extreme and can be unrealistic and from another world. Aries on the other hand is fiery, angry and impatient. Balance both of these energies in your daily life and your self awareness.
There will be a lot of doubt and deception. You will believe things you’re told yet are they real and true? Is it a negotiation or a prelude to a war. It won’t be what it says it is. What it says it is, it’s not. It’s 1984 (the novel) in spades.
At times like these make sure your honesty is stellar. It’ll be hard to maintain your cool amidst so much impersonation.
Stick to reality and your reality. Cultivate meditation to know the truth. Inner peace and serenity rules.
ARIES- things are moving slowly but nevertheless moving forward. Mars is still slagging, it doesn’t really catch up to the original degree of retrograde till after the 10th of March. You feel frustrated with something that you’re dealing with for too long it seems. Be grateful for Mars going forward and that the past few months’ stalemate has been broken. Venus retrograde through mid- April brings love and love relationships under scrutiny for further processing in terms of what you like, love and can’t live without.
The Solar Eclipse Full Moon on the 13th in Virgo promises an end to a way of working with a support system or person or a health issue. The family, the home and your foundation feel compressed and over structured, hemmed in and yet wanting to expand. Don’t make the mistake of being over judgmental or over perfectionistic especially with yourself. Love is the answer.
TAURUS is quarreling with neighbors, siblings and friends from an unconscious place. Taurus’ power drive is activated and acted on by volatility and moodiness. Taurus needs to stabilize in terms of your feelings and unresolved issues for the family system or the partner. The partner has changed in extreme. The dependency issues switched and now you find yourself in the driver’s seat.
The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon on March 13 is in Virgo when something comes to a head around a child, children’s gifts, love or creativity. Use your conscious mind to deal with the conflicts of too much expansion, too much limitation, and too much lack of clarity all at the same time. Allow your center for the next two weeks to revolve around your Sun sign. Go back to the basics of your identity and let the ego hang out on the side. Resist the impulse to alibi yourself. Your innocence is apparent.
GEMINI has Jupiter with you through the middle of June. Make the break to expand and try a new school, new travel, a new job, or something that offers growth past where your engine is idling. Saturn and Neptune make you feel alternately too small and at the same time not here on planet Earth. When Mercury goes retrograde in the middle of the month review how your authority is not taken seriously. Correct this folly.
The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Virgo on March 13 gives you a super sense of confidence and potential that can get a little bit out of hand. Stay close and balance confidence with humility and with idealism. Don’t let anyone of these three things become too big. Allow the serenity and tranquility of the ocean to help you float.
CANCER has a lot of hidden protection on your side because you’re trying to have a new beginning this June. Financially, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually you have been eviscerated and are now coming back to life. Mars direct in the last week of February had the culmination of feelings that came out of anger burning within you. In about a week you’ll be on a high boil. Don’t burn yourself trying to be right.
The Solar Eclipse Full Moon in Virgo on March 13 brings emotions to a High Point particularly around perfectionism, fantasy and discipline. It allows these three things to combine in a more integrated way. Accept that you’re not perfect and let go of defensiveness. Accept that you have a fantasy about love and relationship. Share the part of you that wants to find harmony by addressing we, not me. You can come together when you don’t fight the shadow on the wall.
LEO is dealing with thoughts and feelings that are hidden or self-destructive. Your anger about caretaking and not being taken care has gone forward since last Sunday and will activate in the next week. Your fate is slowly approaching you and involves a partner or relationship or a marriage. The home, the family, the power issues that form your foundation need to be purified and addressed.
The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon on March 13 in Virgo focuses on money and financial stability involving limitation, no boundaries and over expansion. Correct these things in a generous and optimistic way. Money is energy and the energy needs to be balanced. Leo has a lot of hidden feelings about yourself that manifests as unshakeable confidence, security and pride. For the next two weeks let the mantra be I am enough. And your life will move forward.
VIRGO is at the turning point of last year and a half and was in crisis about identity, job relationship and health. You have felt stagnated and blocked in terms of any of these areas as well struggling to focus on what you truly want. The next few weeks bring an impasse. Allow the impasse to have a breakthrough when Mars brings an important person that helps you and supports you beyond what you thought you needed.
The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon on March 13 puts the focus on you and the Other; a partnership, relationship, marriage or client. Come to a philosophical and generous understanding of how your life got smaller, larger and more surreal in the last few years. Find the center and try not to figure out every step. Begin with the first step into a new energy that supports you and inspires you without being transactional.
LIBRA is competing with or activated by another. The project of a partnership that’s been going round and round since the Fall now goes forward in a somewhat muddled way. The partner wants the deal yet somehow you get the runaround. Yours is to be able to be receptive and not cast into a passive role. In a week things break open into a steady trot. Saturn and Neptune go into Aries this spring and you experience a crisis around who you are, what you are doing and what you want for the next 14 years by reviewing the past 14 years. Start now by watching what your dreams are telling you.
The Solar Eclipse Full Moon on March 13 in Virgo reveals secret enemies, self -undoing, and feelings of limitation. Don’t jump into the fire from the frying pan. Venus retrograde in the middle of April compels you to look at love and love relationships and how you love with another. What you thought you both understood might have two different interpretations. Be aware of any discrepancy and work to unify the partnership.
SCORPIO you’re starting to feel freer and better with partners and unpredictability. Pluto has arrived in your chart and shakes up the home, the foundation or the property in order to bring new life. Don’t let the old pattern keep repeating itself for security. Or your security can be hit by a bolt of lightning. Take the chance, buy the lotto ticket. Do the things that you keep thinking you should wait on. Mars direct since February 24 allows you to think about travel in the future and what you believe. Allow these things in your life to go forward every day.
The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon on March 13 makes for over analysis and over thinking about a friend or a group. Try to not be negative, unrealistic and extravagant. Allow the polarization between a friend and a lover or a child to come together thru strength and ideology. Unite and don’t pick at each other. Money and self-esteem increase as your energy frees up from feeling so compressed.
SAGITTARIUS is the most adept at closing your own deal. Jupiter helps you get the best out of negotiation for your price. Mars direct in Cancer moves very slowly until about the tenth of March. A lot of irritation about spent money. Pluto since November has made your mind consumed with issues about power and powerlessness that came from nowhere. Find peace when walking in the garden and working out.
The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Virgo on March 13 makes you the center of the release point of the T-square. What this means in English is that your natural optimism, humor and generosity help move a condition that is serious, uncontained and inflated that is a crisis forward. You can solve the crisis you’re faced with by using your intuition and your dreams and your inner guidance.
CAPRICORN sees Saturn and Neptune ending in Pisces. Your ruling planet Saturn has brought you incredible lessons that are surreal the last two years. There are times you felt like you were in a pit or a prison or underground cell. You tried to forge strength where there was impotence and forgiveness where there was anger. Pluto ending in November has freed you from a compulsive ideology that limited and alienated you. Mars direct since February 24 provokes opposition and challenge with others. Go past where you were stalled since October.
The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Virgo on March 13 highlights travel ,education, and the future with a decision that chooses between limitation or spiritual dreams. Stay in perspective with what you commit to. Your passion has been aroused recently and it will help you go on from an intense period of learning to more self- mastery. Be strong by choosing to forgive.
AQUARIUS – Pluto in your sign brings your fate into a deep dive about 200 feet underground. You perceive the same things from a whole different place that revolves around power. Early issues with power and family particularly your father come to life now in the situation that you’re involved with. Pluto rules endings and transformation and some element of this is touching aspects of your life.
The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon on March 13 brings attention to personal and mutual money. Be clear about the limitations and boundaries of expenditure and investment. Watch out for too much criticism and judgment. Try to embody more neutrality and less reactivity. Be a free spirit with the things that bind you most.
PISCES -the beginning of the end of Saturn and Neptune in your sign the last 2 and 14 years respectively have brought a lot of pressure on you to go past your fantasies. Be in reality and be creative at the same time. Spirituality has deepened with a certain understanding of the mirage of life. Nevertheless you do need to participate in life. Mars retrograde direct on February 24 brings the issues forward since October about what you love and whom.
The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon on March 13 polarizes you in relationship or in partnership. Balance themes together of reality, dreams and faith. Try not to go to extremes with any aspect of one of these three areas letting them harmonize in a happy triune. Your ideals and reality have come together. If the partner criticizes or judges, accept them and learn from this experience. Philosophically share yourself with another and keep the center within you. Come together and Don’t forget to return to yourself.
Tanda Tashjian
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