Three more weeks for the Pluto countdown. Pluto moves into Aquarius on March 23 and stays there until June 11 when it goes retrograde in Capricorn. This no -man’s- land- of- astrology is driving us to distraction. Matters left hanging in the balance with little or no motivation to go on, and even less tolerance for what’s all too human equals Pluto in the in -between.
Pluto is the same energy that animates life and initiates death. It’s the moonlight mile. People flirt with the Plutonic experience when they besot themselves with sex and drugs. It’s the high wire act, that moment when you take a deep breath and jump off the cliff into the ocean’s dark.
This bubble is visiting most of us in some form.
If you’re taking a chance, be grounded and even and stay positive.
If you’re half -awake and dreaming, can’t wake up out of memories that don’t connect with your above ground life, consider this time is special. It’s a pivotal time to experience the Unknown in life.
You can swim free in the Styx between the worlds and get a feeling for what’s to come. Watch Ben Stiller’s Severance to get a feel for what you’re experiencing in a narrative, earthy way.
If you feel you’re in between being where you were and not being anywhere at all you’re hovering over planet Pluto. You’re in the void. A rehearsal for the finale, the big bad bardo experience.
The Full Moon on March 7 makes the experience more. There could be problems with water, boundaries and more drug wars. A lot of lying and escapism. A lot of betrayal. Some system failing bigtime. Maybe even a Close Encounter.
Stay close to yourself and don’t lose focus. Be aware of your dream life.
The Full Moon in Virgo is usually pristine. Coupled with Neptune and on the same day Saturn enters Pisces, it’s going to be anything but pristine. The moon is T squared by Mars and makes for a lot of displaced rage.
Take time to meditate and swim between the invisible world and this world. Be free within whatever jail you find yourself in. If you feel trapped, breathe into the feelings of compression.
The weather will disobey logic, many systems will fail and your money needs to be anchored on more than digital receipts. This period could bring something entirely unprecedented into our world.
This is a time where someone could grift a person or a country. Or a time where financial markets could swoon and then fall. Or a time when some very elevated acts could make a difference for a country and a bunch of people. Spiritual frenzy could erupt over a miracle.
Make the most of this Pluto time by experimenting with other options, sublime potentials and contemplating the ocean. Dream of a whole other life; your other life.
This time is vague, aimless, unrealistic and surreal. Go within and get with the inner self to know more about what is. Your spiritual self comes alive humming Somebody Bring Me Some Water, by Melissa Etheridge. Rather than suffering an insatiable thirst, get with the chorus of believers to find the truth of what’s beyond Pluto.
It’s calling you.
ARIES experiences hope about the future. Things look good for decisions and love. You experience a happy memory from the past. Short clips from a short trip or lower school flood you when you take a break from being annoyed by other people.
The Full Moon brings a project or a process to a temporary conclusion. Your world changes emotionally after March 7 when someone in the home experiences disappointment. Try to stay focused on the reality of a dream. This period brings some Aries exuberance back for a return engagement.
TAURUS has leftover worry about money return to be resolved. Saturn leaving Aquarius makes those sticky moments with a family member flow better. Your voice needs to be heard but cannot get past a few sentences if you’re emotionally feeling stuck. The relief after March 7 allows you to feel less burdened by commitments.
The Full Moon on March 7 brings perfectionism to a head especially with kids and love. Virgo demands a functional communication that works. Being human is a stop and start process of relating. Find the middle with your connections and stay close to yourself. Every time you leave your center you lose your balance.
GEMINI has a lot of energy return since the end of October. You can deal with any verbal agitation in a more logical way. You feel you’re not fighting yourself so much when you can flow with others and not be critical.
The Full Moon on March 7 brings pressure to figure something out that’s eluded you. It revolves around being passive as a way to not hurt another ‘s feelings, yet you mute yourself. Do not diminish the self to accommodate another’s anger. Be balanced with your feelings and simple when you describe your experience. Come from the other guy’s place.
CANCER is getting a lot of practice harmonizing with difficult people. The family and childhood are well represented. Your inner child is alone and sometimes lonely for love. Return to the self and the love affair with self when you feel deserted or ignored.
The Full Moon on March 7 brings an opportunity to go deeper into fantasy or surrender to reality. If things get darker, pause and review what the last fourteen years have taught you. A long hard slog where you can voluntarily up and leave the mud or keep digging yourself in deeper. Your choice revolves around how you play what happens between now and mid- June. Keep on moving towards the mountain.
LEO is waiting for March 7 when you’ll be freer and feel less heavy and burdened. The energy you’re about to feel will be lighter and brighter and more hopeful. You’ll meet with friends that have been forgotten or on sabbatical and return to pick up where you left off a few years ago. Pluto moving into Aquarius after March 23 brings a shock to your system. Fate is calling.
The Full Moon on March 7 brings money and payments due and to be collected. Stay close to yourself with matters of the heart. Don’t wander down venues of fantasy or drink too much as the desire to escape will preoccupy you. You’re in a battle of wills. Don’t compete with the other, let being be enough.
VIRGO sees Saturn move into Pisces on March 7. This is the beginning of decisive action on endings and finales in your life. The partner and client take on more karmic importance. You see all the ways things have failed or not worked out. Don’t blame yourself or the other. Be tolerant of the humanity in both parties.
The Full Moon on March 7 brings the last six months to a head with sticky personal issues taking on a new perspective. You feel capable of making considered changes that open new doors. You might get swept up in someone else’s fantasy. Be aware if you’re being positioned for another’s gain. Be practical and align with only those who share a mutuality of goals and purpose.
LIBRA contemplates a financial change in your work. If you’ve been working on another option, after March 23- mid June observe the responses to your offering. Pluto brings changes to your money house and that could mean an increase with something you love to do. Saturn moves into Pisces on March 7, so the daily work house becomes something that you must endure to keep all the balls in the air.
The Full Moon on March 7 brings a view of what undermines you unconsciously. Take the time to address how the mind acts against you and compels you to want to escape. A career connection moves into a different relationship. Keep the exchange clear of expectations. You might want to indulge in sugar or substance or movies. Spend time with who
matters within your heart.
SCORPIO experiences the unpredictable go to another level after March 23. A home or property is chaotic and changes directions every day. You deserve some peace and quiet. Channel your higher self to soothe the choppy waters of your heart. Write your memoire in a letter to yourself and perceive the goodness of your life.
The Full Moon on March 7 brings the need to go away or go to the ocean or go dream. Have good beginnings and good endings. If someone left, forgive them for their pain taking predominance. Your capacity to tolerate passion in all forms is active. Be big with yourself and let the mistakes go. Bask in the light of love within.
SAGITTARIUS needs to make corrections with what you started seven years ago. After March 7 you get to go the distance the next few years. Be measured with what and whom you edit. Pluto going into Aquarius soothes the drama with money. Quick change miracles open, freeing you up to feel better about resources. Mars keeps poking you until the third week of March.
The Full Moon on March 7 positions you between two extremes. One is running away and one is staying and fighting. Don’t be deluded and take sides with someone that only strategizes for themselves. Change the focus by being content with where you are and what you’re doing.
Love is blind. Be aware of who loves you and truly cares.
CAPRICORN relaxes as March 23 approaches. Clean up all the leftover clutter. Purge any irrelevant information that gobbles up your time. Think simply and clearly about what matters now.
You’ve been to a small hell and are coming back. Let the home be cozy. Saturn moves March 7 and your money worries lessen.
The Full Moon brings a short trip or dalliance with romance. Romance can mean a great dinner, a walk by the ocean or rediscovering something or someone that moves you. Don’t lose yourself in overthinking. The serotonin effect of exercise helps balance the old feelings of loss and sadness. Your inner life is freer.
AQUARIUS feels better about life. You deserve the kudos you’re about to get. All that working and planning turns out right. Saturn leaves your sign on March 7. Be aware of where disappointment hangs on. Pluto into Aquarius means that fate touches your life in the next twenty years. Power is renegotiated in your favor.
The Full Moon in Virgo on March 7 sees many systems in your life misfire. Don’t escape to passive behavior. Be proactive with how to work with all the parts that are left. You devise a new way of working smarter. Love gets back on track.
PISCES has Saturn move into your sign on March 7. This period brings corrections with your past alliances. Your world gets smaller in order to get better. An identity theme permeates work and relationship. A family member ages or becomes fragile. Be patient with the areas of your life that slow down. There’s a purpose to the present challenges that is not immediately apparent.
The Full Moon on March 7 brings relationships into more focus. You might regress into neediness to escape the pain of the past. Lovers and children help when they can. The walk through the past is fantasy-fueled and needs a new perspective. Use your dreams and insight from meditation to rebalance yourself. Go within to come out better.
Tanda Tashjian
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