This is the last newsletter in the Tiger Year. On January 22, the Water Rabbit year begins. This transition is in process and brings all sorts of annoyances and faux starts beforehand. If you had some bad luck thing happen in the last few weeks or are brooding and disconcerted, you’re experiencing the end of the Chinese year of the Tiger and the last blast of negative karma from the year.
Don’t make a mistake and think it’s an omen of what’s to come. In fact, to assure what’s to come do a new year ritual to augment your luck in the New Year that begins on January 22.
The Water Rabbit year is sweeter and nicer than the past Tiger year. Rabbits are happy, pacific creatures that like to find a mate and be together. Unlike the tiger who is acute, deadly and aggressive, rabbit is kind, thoughtful and harmless. In Chinese astrology, water means longevity and peace. Rabbit symbolizes vigilance, caution and self- protectiveness. Rabbits are more likely to band together and play rather than take over and control.
Put some fruit and flowers on your dining room table or altar if you have one. This modest offering to the Unknown acknowledges and respects the invisible world. Respect is crucial on the New Year’s Day to start off the year on a good foot. If you want to make wishes for your family and your friends, pause and light three candles or three incense and make your requests addressed to what you believe is above.
The current period we’re in until January 22 is one of a liminal space. Liminal describes the sacred space between one cycle ending and another beginning. It’s a kind of nowhere land where there’s a void and anything can happen. It’s the point of greatest truth and courage before any initiation.
This time is sacred in that the nothingness of time and space is counteracted by the manifestation of time and space. This example extends to yang and yin, male and female, father and mother, heaven and earth. A perfect time to find balance.
You see where you inhabit both ends of the extremes in life. What you suffer from when you suffer holds the invisible remedy. Any lack you experience is balanced by a potential prosperity. Tapping into this awareness puts you between the worlds and helps you hold both aspects at once. We’re approaching the time when one cycle ends and you can say good bye to the downsides of the past year. All the annoyances and hurt feelings, the pain and waiting, the unfulfilled desires and the angst. Hold it all in both hands.
Address each thing as it comes up between now and January 22. Clean the house, the altar and the closet. Do this metaphorically. Make an opening for the new life.
The New Moon on January 21 is in Aquarius. This is the sign that Pluto is about to enter on March 23. A shift with power is about to happen. If you feel small, ignored or starving the next cycle brings an option to move past those experiences and unite the disparate parts to be connected to a bigger and more inclusive source of power.
Mercury goes direct on January 18. This brings insight into any pending business decisions that have not been decided or successful. Saturn is finishing its’ transit in Aquarius. All Aquarians breathe a sigh of relief when Saturn leaves their sign in March. Pluto moves into Aquarius and changes your relationship to power in March.
Be aware of when you’ve given your power away. Look at the repercussions of losses from bad decisions when you go passive or are scared of power. We’re about to enter a long -term course in the miracle of activating power within by learning how to move whatever is the mountain in your life. The next twenty years will astound us daily with the unpredictability of our lives.
The past few weeks have been challenging with the dying energy of the Tiger year. Tiring, draining and sparce; money, energy and opportunities seem less available and accessible. The optimism of the business new year lasted for hardly a minute. Wait for the Rabbit year to begin from a stronger place with new projects.
Mars went direct on January 12. All the anger that’s been imploded and obsessed about is starting to move. Redirect it towards your goals but first identify what your goals are. Many lies and deceptions are being told politically, economically and romantically. Go past the wrapping of things and the cosmetics of appearance. Mars is fierce and direct and brooks no opposition with confrontation of the truth.
The potential for self -deception continues through March due to Mars squaring Neptune. Get with a consistent program of exercise and self -improvement by being direct and clear with what you want. Don’t delude yourself with excuses.
Mercury goes direct January 18. This period begins a catch-up when you take action that has been postponed for various reasons. If you’ve hesitated as a result of scarcity of time, energy or resources now you can slowly come out of your shell.
The New Moon on January 21 breaks the stagnation of where you’ve been stuck. Use this time to act with audacity and clarity. The shy timidity of Saturn goes soon. Holding yourself back waiting for the right time or right place is not so right anymore. Uranus goes direct on January 22 and suddenly there are all sorts of unexpected twists and turns with timing and fate. If something new comes to your door be open.
The gridlock unlocks. There will be more movement and more revolution as progress comes on the tails of some problem this spring. The potential of something energetic or nuclear that results in ignition could bring a revolution. Hard to consider but consider that Pluto in Aquarius brings union and the fusion of two different parts that changes the world’s energy systems and your life with all the symbolism in between.
If you’re looking for something to live for, live for the next year when Pluto and Uranus could produce a miracle of progressive change and move a society that is polarized into one of more unity through the application of a radical discovery.
In the meantime, observe the Chinese New Year on January 22. What you do that day sets up the year. The prediction of what happens in the future revolves around making a good beginning on this day. Be kind, be wise and be good.
Make it simple.
ARIES makes plans and projects and plants the seeds of the next 12 years. Any plans with siblings and new decisions take up more time and energy. You’re able to go on a short trip that got delayed or planned awhile ago. The identity crisis you’ve experienced with your career in the last few years is about to benefit from your intensity. You’ve hidden this side of your nature from the world and now it bolts out.
The New Moon opens up the space for more powerful exchanges with colleagues and important people. The movers and shakers in your world are suddenly more interested in projects that you have been quietly working on for years. Emotionally something is up in the home that needs attention. It might manifest as a crack in your foundation. Process, process, process.
TAURUS is spending money. Mars direct in Gemini brings out the need for many purchases and services that need cash suddenly. Uranus going direct on January 22 together with the New Moon in Aquarius on January 21, pushes an unpredictable agenda forward with those you love. In fact, your whole concept of love has been changed and will express differently this year. Mercury direct in Capricorn brings travel and educational decisions that get confirmed and accepted.
The New Moon on January 21 predicts changes in the home and family for the next year. When Pluto moves into Aquarius on March 23 you will see movement that has been building for years come to fruition around the home and family. Be serene with the unpredictable in life as it’s teaching you tolerance and flexibility. Listen to your inner voice.
GEMINI has a lot of action suddenly moving in many directions. Whatever you’ve been incubating is now exposed and externalized. The dreams and ideals that you live by are guided by a version of life that has a plan of its own. Mercury going direct makes debt and tax plans show up to be executed and finalized. Pluto has a say in the future with education and travel that is powerfully fated.
The New Moon makes your future clearer through dreams. The minor setbacks you’ve experienced lately are protective coverings to keep you out of trouble. Financial issues need wisdom and planning with patience. Someone who’s been a thorn in your side suddenly up and leaves. Let the bad energy go and don’t chase it out of a misguided sense of righteousness. You are moving into a period where the next six months blossoms into sweet fruit. Enjoy it.
CANCER has the ending of a period of tests with others. Mars direct in your 12th house signals a review and mental adjustment around self -destructive behavior. Sleep has been trying and breathing difficult. Your life force is changing what it revolves around. Don’t make money the focal point; find what is your true center. The next few years you get to see how well your efforts of the last 9 years pay off. Security is anchored by your actions and consciousness.
The New Moon on January 21 stirs up financial issues that you’ve forgotten about. Things that come to light have been gestating over the last three years. Take care of the self in a new way that includes but is not limited to caring for others. Credit and financial responsibility become more vocalized. The space between survival and security swings your way when you own up to what you’ve ignored. The upcoming year is full of potential for growth and blossoms when you remember to water the garden.
LEO anticipates the end of Saturn opposing you in March. Getting past all those tired days and endless work on projects that don’t come together is coming soon. The stress on finances and resources hasn’t brought out the best of you. You’ve experienced a side of yourself that is not so likable in the last three years. This period of stress ends just as Pluto moves into Aquarius in March. Power and dominion in your chosen area is about to manifest but only after you go through a deep dive of awareness. Mars amplifies your connections with foreign or internet markets to introduce an avenue of empowerment in a new way.
The New Moon on January 21 brings a more potent awareness of partners. The unpredictable nature of the partnership can no longer be ignored. What surfaces in the two weeks after the New Moon plays out over the next 6 months in uneven ways. Take what is good and see if you can work with what’s not good. Secret alliances become outed. This period shores Leo up and you begin to feel your strength returning. Rebuild your health on all levels.
VIRGO is about to come to a period of reckoning. After March, Saturn holds you to task with children and commitments. Your relationships are up for review. The seriousness of the coming time wants to get the most out of life and energy efficiently. You either are up with what you’ve been doing the last 13/14 years or change and go in a new direction. Mars going direct signals ending a way of doing business or working that is no longer effective. Don’t be pushy now but get your point across.
The New Moon on January 21 brings up innovative change with work and staff. The people you work with go through changes on their own that impacts you. Be patient with their back and forth and when a new potential surfaces. Your health takes on a more global outlook. The loving kindness you express towards others comes back to you. Pets need attention as their digestion reflects yours’ and might act up. Be present to intervene in a timely manner. Your perfectionism needs balance when you wrangle yourself. Be aware of the ignored child within.
LIBRA is moving forward with plans for education and travel. The partner and clients are activated with change in schedules and demand. Your business acumen is proven wise when you make changes in a timely manner over the next year so it’s done by 2024. Pluto moving signs in March brings fated changes with children and loves. Jupiter consolidates the work you’ve done the last 6 years so it pays off through the Spring.
The New Moon sees your life take on new hope for the next six months. Innovative ways of working and creating brings more customers and new challenges. The emotional connection to your career needs detachment. Conditions that you’ve been living with at home or with the family provoke a decision that plays out over the next six months. Refocus on being fair and be aware of what balance means in your inner life. If the world agrees, you’re home free in a new home or office.
SCORPIO takes the time to go over conditions that need changing. Uranus going direct on January 22 shakes up what you thought had stabilized. The dealings you’ve made with partners goes through a transition when new information makes itself known. Family issues get in the way of your plans. Saturn leaving Aquarius in March needs attention now with a changeover with a home or place of business that is necessary to consolidate what could come apart. Mars signals more energy expended for figuring out debt and investment and taxes.
The New Moon on January 21 stirs things up with the family. Unpredictable exchanges upset the way you thought things were going. Let the issues work themselves out. It is a tempest in a teapot. Your natural wisdom and intuition is strong enough to withstand any doubt. When a child decides on a surprise action that is direct and decisive, support but don’t coddle. Be the model for stability by being neutral even when you’re agitated. Scorpio understands power and strategizes how to balance what is uneven in any partnership. Be Zen with those around you and come from stillness within.
SAGITTARIUS has a period of expansion with children and creativity. Jupiter helps you move forward with what you’ve been battling since August. Saturn moving out of Aquarius in March needs to make a correction with what started in the last 7 years. Consider going in a related direction by adjusting the form of a new project. Mars going direct in Gemini brings any animosity with a partner front and center to be dealt with in a timely manner. The money chip accelerates to a new frequency.
The New Moon on January 21 brings forth a radical decision and option that bids on something you’ve worked on. Be quick to seize the opportunity. Unpredictable changes ensue so lock down what the initial offer is. The big money house opens its’ arms to you and you can cash something in that brings you more security and comfort. Be the horse that rides sure and steady and don’t bolt. Your ship is about to come in. Timing is everything.
CAPRICORN has a sea change coming. If money has been a challenge and a lesson the last three years, money changes into more of an abstraction. Mercury going direct on January 18 brings critical information that helps you get out of a bind or at least see a way to deal with a residual problem. Mars direct brought an issue with work, health or a pet to a pivotal decision. You are growing internally and need to pay attention to what is ending. A cycle of the last 14 years ends in March and you have moved on to another life. Inhabit this world from a new place.
The New Moon on January 21 brings an unexpected movement and option with a financial commitment. The partner changes their tune and gets decidedly better or worse. Your spiritual sense of responsibility moves from issues of self-worth to themes of self- talk. You become aware of how you lessen yourself with an inner dialogue of critique. Be open to be more loving with the self. This change moves the center towards being enough with what you do and have. Contentment is golden this year.
AQUARIUS anticipates Saturn leaving your sign in March. The summing up of the last three years is heavy and a little oblique. You feel burdened by family and commitments. Wanting to offer your best slows down your progress. It’s tiring to maintain consciousness. Pluto getting ready to enter your sign in March pushes the needle from survival towards Fate. Significance in the face of mortality is reflected by change with a family member. Mars helps you take action with what you’ve created in your world.
The New Moon on January 21 makes you sit up and realize all that’s gone by. Time, people, connections and love. You are attuned to life more now than before. Take inventory of what is important to focus on. Your emotional self is awakened to a new reality of what everyday offers. Make the most of this upswing in self -realization. Time flows and things surface to let go of. Use this time wisely and your life gets better.
PISCES experiences quiet before the storm. Saturn is about to enter Pisces in March. Saturn brings corrections to your life based on the past 13/14 and 28 years. If you’ve overplayed your hand you’ll get a sign to change the game. Take the message to heart and adjust your life to balance any extremes. Your capacity to escape reality is affected by your capacity to confuse yourself. Take a deep dive into what you believe in and integrate the outer and inner self. You are a vessel for inspiration when you live in harmony with your ideals. Mars recently going direct has brought some challenge with a home or family issue to your attention.
The New Moon in your 12th house on January 21 brings a secret or something that’s been hidden to light. It might be shocking or inspiring. Try to be calm with how you communicate your feelings. You might want resolution immediately yet patience is your friend. If someone changes the playing field passively, go to your center and allow insight to guide you. Interpret any information from a neutral place. You are best when you meditate and then act from the center.
Tanda Tashjian
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