THE business New Year arrives, although the date of January 1st is crazily relative. January 1 represents a day for resolutions along with a new business year yet January 1st is actually an ambiguous date through the ages.
The Julian calendar, proposed by Julius Caesar in 46 BCE and inspired by the Roman god, Janus, for January (looking backward and forward) began the year on 1 January.
Although after local calendars were aligned to the Julian calendar, they started the New Year on different dates.
At various times and places throughout mediaeval Christian Europe, the New Year was celebrated on December 25 in honor of Jesus.
The Gregorian calendar is used in most parts of the world as a replacement of the Julian calendar. The guiding principal of this calendar was to space leap years differently.
In cultures that traditionally use different calendars other than the Gregorian, New Year’s Day is also an important celebration, reminiscent of new hope.
All cultures are unified in that they have a New Years Day even if it differs as to the exact date of the New Year.
This expresses the theme of 2024: we can come together based on what we share rather than be broken apart through our differences.
The Chinese New Year on February 10 initiates the Year of the Wood Dragon. This year brings a charismatic leader that promises to restore peace and prosperity through a more central authority. The dragon year is further supported by Pluto’s move into Aquarius for the next twenty years. Dragons are confidant, charismatic and willful.
Aquarius, ruled by Uranus is the lightning bolt that shakes up the status quo , chaotically and without warning. This year make sure you anchor yourself through personal strength. There will be quick changes that spin the Wheel of Fortune. What is up goes down and who is last will seem to be first. Until the big reveal at the last half of the year.
2024 will be a year of high drama with cultural and religious differences. When faced with a universal threat can we come together based on what we share as opposed to holding onto our differences?
Neptune, the star child of planets goes into the last degree of Pisces in 2024. Astrologers believe that the last degree of a sign signals the theme of the planet’s cycle. Pisces is the end of the zodiac, heralding a change in the collective unconscious through a (sometimes) hysterical and universal confusion of cosmic truth.
In 2024, many false prophets and channels continue to appear and mislead people with the hope of getting what you want, if you just follow them.
2024 prepares the way for a new age of spiritual experience in 2025 when Neptune enters Aries. We will see the seeds of a religious war reminiscent of the Dark Ages continue to be planted. Along with Neptune come kooky leaders with crazy religious fervor.
Pluto enters Aquarius on January 20, 2024. This cosmic event signals the next episode that goes further than Covid in how it will attempt to move the group to see the Light.
Neptune’s influence is freakish on planet earth. It corresponds to various movements through history that fostered unconsciousness and confusion especially with frenzied religious overtones.
As Pluto ends its’ transit it currently sits at 29 degrees of Capricorn. The cumulative theme of the last fourteen years of Pluto makes life and death clearer. Endings in relationships, businesses and government are palpable. The old ways don’t work. There is a collective feeling that what is needed is a strong hand to deal with this dark night of the soul. Power gathers itself for a New Age of power to the people, under the guise of a sweetened fascism.
Watch what happens on January 20 and what you wake up to.
There will be a cosmic and/or personal event that shakes up that period for most. The cycle through the beginning of September predicts the Pluto transit of the next 20 years.
Biden, sometime between July and September might get taken out of the Presidential race. Who will step into his shoes? The next few months is the set-up for such an unseen and unexpected event.
Our planet objects in a big way to what is being done to it by earth events and extreme weather. Water will play a big role and reset land boundaries globally. Water becomes a mighty force of terror when it washes away homes and landmarks. People will wander around aimlessly having forgotten who they are and where they live in 2024. Whether it’s Covid brain or Saturn in Pisces, personal wellbeing suffers.
Financially there will be a correction between May and July. Jupiter enters Gemini in late May and this is when all the high rolling goes lower.
There is a Solar Eclipse New Moon on April 8 in Aries that conjoins Chiron. The group might experience a healing crisis first by fire and then by flooding when nature reacts with a mind of its’ own to destruction in some “unimportant” of the world. Widespread fire or a blast starts an exodus of refugees. The world is stunned by another act of war.
In July and August the global tide turns. In the end of July something truly shocking happens and puts us on a good path or a not good path. The choice is being made day by day by what you choose and where you come from.
Pluto in Capricorn with Saturn and the South Node brought Covid 2020. Some version of this aspect is reawakened again when Pluto moves back into Capricorn for its’ finale in September through mid- November.
In September, the Lunar Eclipse Full Moon of September 17 conjoins Neptune and a weird possibly celestial event happens that will either influence many or bring a collective shift towards the Unknown. Maybe higher intelligence shows its’ hand in a truly inspired way. Much like a mash up of Close Encounters with Solaris, we get a new message.
In the middle of November, one world chapter ends and a new one begins when Pluto goes direct on October 11 and reenters Aquarius on November 20. The vagary of differences in cultures, religions and beliefs produce challenging perceptions .
Come together or not turns out to be the theme of 2024.
A weirdly fated event at the beginning of November changes the whole deal until the beginning of May 2025. Hold onto your hats and your pocketbooks, a new world scenario is in the cards.
Currently, the New Moon on January 11 will be in Capricorn bringing the positivity of innovation that helps let go of what’s leaving with the hope of regeneration. The first day of January Mercury goes direct. Watch what stalls and what happens on this day as it expresses what the theme of what Mercury retrograde has been for you. Many have felt lost and alone. This period shows where you are off balance and confused.
Use this time to reflect on what you’re avoiding. It will show up in strange ways and distract you. Let what is going go and consolidate the rest. Allow nature to speak to you with a message about how to balance. The End of the Tour of Pluto in Capricorn brings a walk-through of the last 14 years. How you change your perspective relies on what you’ve learned in the last 14 years. A hint about the theme of 2024: to let prosperity come from the heart, not the mind. You’ll be surprised by what your heart’s desire brings this year.
ARIES wants to hustle this year. The Eclipse in your sign in April brings an opportunity to heal a long -standing problem that has been a source of pain since childhood. 2024 inspires you to clean out your closets and improve your diet, being more productive and efficient with your energy. If situations and people that have haunted you arrive on your doorstep don’t turn them away. In the next few weeks you’ll be relieved of a kind of melancholy about your career and reputation. Some person will push you to do them a favor and you’ll demur. The confrontation intensifies and you take a new tact.
The New Moon on January 11 represents an apex of authority, career and reputation if you can flow and not fight. Be Zen- like with all the endings and don’t worry about your bank account. You are touched by an angel through the end of May.
The theme for 2024 is to be a friend to all even when you resist. What goes around comes around this year for Aries.
TAURUS, you’ve had your share of challenges in the last few years. Jupiter and Uranus bring more 360- degree experiences. Someone in your world apologizes for their behavior. Be kind but don’t buy the drama. April brings some sleeplessness with a message from a ghostly visitor. In June/ July, your energy perks up. If you’ve made a fortune or lost something, bank the fortune or make a brief adjustment. At the end of May your prosperity keeps improving for the rest of the year.
The New Moon on January 11 brings solidarity and more ease as an ending to the last 14 years. Something good comes out of all the agita. Travel and a philosophical shift help you be happier. Siblings are ambiguous and salty. Don’t let them mislead you. Mercury going direct on January 1st stalls your work. You can’t seem to get going until January 6. Don’t push the river or your health might protest.
The theme for 2024 advises, when faced with two paths take the higher road. It might be hard at first but you’ll get where you want to go through an invisible assist. Look to the Unknown this year and your life improves.
GEMINI had a death or loss in the last few years. The passing of a person or a relationship put you on notice that nothing is forever. Jupiter enters your sign at the end of May. Your view of life expands. Pluto leaves Capricorn this year and grief moves on. You’ve gotten used to cliffhangers and shocking family experiences. Neptune manifests a situation that you don’t trust, go slowly.
The New Moon of January 11 summarizes the last fourteen years of life and death issues around sexuality, power and money. Your financial picture is changing for the better. Mercury going direct on January 1 brings opposition with a client or partner for no good reason.
The theme of 2024 for Gemini is to take things as they come. First impressions turn out to be right. Don’t be confused by duality. See it as an opportunity to bring yourself together and unite what tends to extremes.
CANCER has a big relief with what you’ve been struggling with. The power plays that you played or someone played on you are not done yet. This period summarizes the last 14 years of feeling down and out emotionally. Patience with a younger part that needs love is challenging. You’re about to have a big turnaround with an aspect that keeps making trouble for yourself.
The New Moon on January 11 brings an event that expresses your dream come true. Suddenly the nightmare threatens during the New Moon on January 11. Your strength allows it to play out to be enlightening.
The theme for Cancer in 2024 is to not obsessively fear loss. Hanging on with those tight pincers is a big task that you never relax from. Trust yourself to find peace with the part of you that is mistrusting and alone.
LEO experiences fate with your partners this year. Pluto opposes your Sun and the yearning for love or equality in partnership becomes obsessive. Sometimes you think you chose something or someone, but it turns out it is Fate. This is one of those years. Surrender to the process of the Other and you’ll grow a garden. Pluto does not rule out a fortunate event this year.
The New Moon on January 11 is a summary of all the past complications that caused health issues. Use this time to regenerate the part of your physicality that is weakened. Dehydration is from a depression of the body showing up as a desert. The partner’s limitations are a karma that is forgiven by an open heart.
Your theme for 2024 is to stand your ground and not be afraid of wearing your heart on your sleeve. You are the king and queen of the jungle. Rule with restraint and forgive mistakes that others make. Your wisdom lies in seeing the reflection.
VIRGO goes around in circles. Others’ hidden motivations confused you through the last fourteen years. Pluto helped you through the tough parts and you didn’t lose yourself. Virgo is a perfectionist and learned to be patient with kids and romances while Pluto was in Capricorn. In 2024, after Pluto enters Aquarius you use you strengthen your identity. The last fourteen years shows up with a make- up or break up. You might feel like you failed in an area that relied on timing. Your energy gets more centered when you rebuild what you think is lost.
The New Moon in Capricorn on January 11 brings a friend or important person that offers a new direction in your career or reputation. Pay attention to what happens now. This offer could set you up for a good move in late Spring. The Eclipse in late September in Pisces brings a watershed moment of cosmic proportions.
The theme for Virgo in 2024 is to let go of heartlessness, especially with the self. When you forgive betrayal or greed in another it sets you free. The reflection of the partner or person that broke your heart if seen from another perspective, heals it.
LIBRA sees some of your career/ family pressure lessen when Pluto leaves Capricorn on January 20. All that overworking and being optimistic pays off. The Eclipses in March and April allow you to clean house and make all -round improvements. In Spring, the world becomes your oyster. Travel and good times open up for the rest of the year.
The New Moon on January 11 brings a family or career event that could become a challenge. You can avoid it by quick reflexes and actually save the day. When you feel too much emotional energy in your body, rest. This year drains you especially when you overwork and don’t recharge.
The theme for Libra in 2024 is to be confidant with your capacity to act when the right opportunity arrives. Good timing on your part is the key to your success. When you’re acknowledged for being special in your field be modest with your accomplishments and kind to all.
SCORPIO sees your ruler move signs on January 20. You’ve felt a little shaky emotionally or physically recently. You are feeling unsure about some project that has been delayed. Recenter during 2024 by focusing on your goals without obsessing. Uranus and Jupiter make money extreme and unpredictable.
The New Moon on January 11 brings a decision to be true to yourself by making a big change with communication. You can do things your way. Your dreams guide you through the problems. At a turning point you emerge with more confidence and authority and the next project goes well.
The theme for Scorpio for 2024 is to be aware of others’ motivations and not lose yourself in your psychism. Scorpio needs to feel loveable and not abandon themselves for approval in the moment. If someone on your team is resentful, don’t try to win them over and keep going.
SAGITTARIUS has relief with the money pit. Pluto leaving Capricorn allows you to see your way past all the financial worry about the future. Saturn sees you correct some project that began seven years ago. Neptune shows up, be careful of being misled. Jupiter in late May brings a windfall that might take through the end of the year to pay off.
The New Moon in Capricorn on January 11 floats an opportunity that is possible. Mutual money, sex and power issues needs more discussion in depth. This New Moon summarizes the tight rope of the last 14 years. You can decide the right way to go when you come from what you think is correct.
The theme for Sagittarius in 2024 is to balance yourself when dealing with partners or family. They reflect an aspect of you this year that needs a new perspective. When your gambling sub -personality is restrained and more neutral, you see the future more clearly.
CAPRICORN is relieved when Pluto moves signs on January 20. All the intensity and extremes of the last fourteen years are almost over. The endings and transitions can be utilized to your advantage. The death of what needs to go produces a new sense of self that is empowered and streamlined. Fate has taught you big lessons.
The New Moon on January 11 summarizes the most difficult part of the last cycle. You perceive a partner from a different place. The garden of love in your heart can grow. Review what you’ve planted in the last year. Uproot the weeds and let the flowers blossom.
The theme for Capricorn in 2024 is to find stillness when feeling unsure. Don’t panic and go to the worst scenario. Your body takes the hit of all the stress. Be calm and say” I am enough” when the old fears arise.
AQUARIUS is about to meet your Fate. Pluto moves into Aquarius on January 20 and life will change. Things that no longer are relevant to you will leave. Your mission in life manifests. You go through an identity crisis about life and purpose. You’ll have a respite September- mid November and then Pluto is with you for twenty years.
The New Moon on January 11 brings a summation of your fears and limitations. Your hidden self will be activated and communicating. The daily health and work sector needs attention. Your life will change in a way you cannot imagine especially with family, home and property.
The theme for Aquarius in 2024 is to be calm and centered when faced with powerful insights that are true. You’ll feel surges of energy almost daily that you’ll find your way to manage. New beginnings and transformation will be your new normal.
PISCES is dealing with correcting where things got off course in the last fourteen and twenty nine years. You thought you knew yourself but the hidden story is revealing itself. The fog from Neptune makes you doubt yourself and want to escape reality. If you feel heavy and older, you’ll feel younger and ready to take the world on once Saturn leaves your sign.
The New Moon on January 11 sees a beloved’s friend go through a challenging time. Bring your special sense of compassion to spend quality time with them. You’re tired of giving so much yet you will get energy back when you make the effort. Giving and receiving are the same.
The theme for Pisces in 2024 is to stay afloat in the waters no matter how choppy or deep. This year your spirituality supports all the highs and lows in life. Make sure to walk by the ocean when you need cosmic connection. You’ll be able to balance all the energy if you stay calm.
Tanda Tashjian
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