VENUS is at the beginning of its shadow around February 22-3. This means that starting on February 22, love is at the center of many thoughts.
Venus goes retrograde March 1 through April 12. Starting soon any kind of love will be ruminated upon, thought about, sung about and questioned. Love includes friendship love, dog and cat love, person love, pleasure love, art love, décor love and anything or one you love or that loves you.
Venus retrograde makes you want to be in love, experience love, enjoy love and have some kind of pleasure and ease in your life.
If you meet someone during Venus retrograde there’s a chance that you might’ve known them from the past or the way past. It could be a kind of fated love affair that involves becoming a different person as a result of this love.
Retrograde makes you absolutely aware of how loved or unlovable you feel.
You become aware if you pay too much for love, give too much away for love, love too much or not enough.
Retrograde Venus helps you see the truth about how you love and what your love is based upon. Venus retrograde in Aries represents a new beginning around love and how you express, receive and give love.
Venus retrograde brings past lovers back into your life, makes you ruminate if somebody loves you and often makes you feel like you want a new experience with love.
Venus retrograde is hand-in-hand astrologically with a Solar Eclipse New Moon in March starting March 29 to April 12. This means that there’s room for big changes around love especially if you have Aries, Libra, Cancer or Capricorn dominant in your astrology.
It also means that an old way of love is examined and transitions into a new behavior. This new beginning needs to be more conscious and sets up between February 22 and April 12.
This Venus period makes you dream about past loves, see somebody who resembles a love from the past or even a past life, or fall in love with something or someone new. It can help you remember loving moments and yearn for the sweetness that you forgot about with a parent, friend or grandparent.
Venus retrograde makes you crave sugar and sweet things and want to experience anything that gives you pleasure in life.
Not the best time for any kind of facial injections, lasers or doing any kind of big beauty procedure.
Your whole sense of pleasure is up for review. You might discover some new pleasure and a love that you have somehow overlooked.
Venus rules cash and this time helps you come up with how to increase cash in ways you haven’t thought of.
Together with Mars direct on February 23 (retrograde since the beginning of December) many actions and plans that were stuck move forward.
Some war thing might begin that has been hiding underground.
If you’ve been waiting a long time to make a move or a stratagem in business or life the time for action comes after February 23.
You discover the true motivation of what you’ve been doing especially in terms of relationship. You get motivated with a house, a property or not fighting with yourself.
February 27 brings a New Moon in Pisces at 4:45 PM PST time. This New Moon reflects the parts of your life where you’ve been in a kind of fantasy or illusion about where you’ve been suffering secretly.
A secret is not so secret anymore both in your world and the world. You might be called out and have to lay your cards out on the table. Or somebody lays their cards out for you. Either way the secret comes out.
New Moon in Pisces shows where they have been lies, dishonesty and hidden issues. More problems with too much and not enough water. Oil and water issues.
The coming period sets up the things and people that are leaving to make way for new things to come.
Especially after the New Moon on February 27 be incredibly pristine and honest with those in your life and incredibly honest with yourself. Some kind of spiritual practice helps to see the reality of what rose colored glasses are hiding.
A lot of escapism, drugs, alcohol, substance or art, photography, film, music, and spiritual awakenings come forward after February 27 and enacted in March.
The Wizard behind the curtain is about to reveal themselves.
It’s up to you to overcome paralysis by being strong enough where there’s fear.
Be stronger.
ARIES goes through an ending and prepares for a new beginning. You have felt held back or paralyzed with family at home or a parent. It’s a good time to get ready to review what and whom you love and what you believe love is.
On or after the New Moon in Pisces on February 27 you might have a short-lived sleep issue or a dream that is an awakening to do something. Your energy gets going after being stuck since December. Deal with the secrets you keep from yourself and how they limit you in terms of action and love. Look at the family system in a new light that allows spirituality to guide you.
TAURUS is getting ready to deal with any hidden ghosts in the closet. Venus in the shadow starts a whole new process around love and pleasure. Internally, evolve a new psychology with love before you express it externally. You might research a beauty makeover involving working out, changing your hair or your style. Wait until mid-April to act on this.
The New Moon on February 27 brings up a secret with a friend. It might involve a sister, sibling or news that’s been secret. Be clear about what you’re saying and don’t indulge in gossip. A short trip on the horizon might bring a review of what you love and how gestures of love change you for the better.
GEMINI prepares for March by dealing with past paperwork. Research new ways of dealing with stuck projects. Your ideas about love become clarified in March around a question that nags at you unconsciously. Deal with money issues that have been hung up since the beginning of December. After February 27 collect past debts.
The New Moon on February 27 in Pisces makes you feel stirred up around your career or an authority. Make sure you work with self-esteem and don’t undo what you have built up. Your public persona might be misperceived. Set the record straight and smile at any detractors. Important people support you.
CANCER sees Mars go direct on February 23. You’ll understand what your motivation is driven by since early September. Mars has slowed many Cancers down with passive aggressive behavior with self or through another. At the end of February all that anger that has been hidden, frozen or unconsciously projected is outed. What you like professionally changes and is a bit back and forth.
On February 27 the New Moon in Pisces helps Cancer understand the subtleties of relationship in their life and their pivotal lessons. You might have a desire to travel or learn something new and experience a different culture. Cancer begins to feel freer than they have since Fall. You are all riled up with your emotions. Your emotions become more understandable and less chaotic after the end of February through early April.
LEO is focused on partners and partnership. Mars in your 12th house retrograde until February 23 makes you worry about trouble waiting for you. Mars in the 12th sometimes disturbs sleep, and makes you feel like you are your own worst enemy. You might go back and forth about a journey or some kind of spiritual trip to rediscover yourself.
The New Moon in Pisces on February 27 sees money, power, and sexuality revealed to be the problem that has been hidden for the last few years. The New Moon in Pisces guides you to look into your inner self for answers . Leo is proud, generous and loving. The New Moon in Pisces could make you feel like you are washing up against the rocks or flowing with the ocean. Better to flow with the ocean.
VIRGO is at the turning point of Saturn. What this means simply put is that what you’ve been struggling with the last year and a half is rounding the corner. You’re coming to conclusions and making decisions on how to go past where you’re blocked. It’s a good thing but it’s tiring. Get a lot of rest and take it easy. Money decisions get reviewed to be more efficient.
The New Moon in Pisces on February 27 is opposed your Sun. There might be some complication with a partner a partnership that has a new ring to it. If you feel cramped or claustrophobic and want to just escape, go inside and be very real with your feelings. The most valuable aspect of the New Moon in Pisces is to find the spiritual thread in the process. Virgo is a great student and wants to be perfect in all things. Maybe it’s the perfection aspect that has gotten you a little bit lost.
LIBRA can end a cycle of anger and frustration that’s been going on for the last year and a half. It involves a person that you work with or are in a relationship with that has acted against you either unconsciously or very secretly. As Mars prepares to go direct February 23 you understand why this was magnetized by you and how to limit it from happening again. Love is reconsidered in different aspect of life.
The New Moon in Pisces on February 27 helps you perceive the habit that most undermines you. Professionally things have felt a bit stalled. At the end of February everything gets moving again. The New Moon in Pisces is a good time to connect with yourself about what really matters and honor it.
SCORPIO has surprises that are unexpected and disruptive either physically emotionally psychologically or spiritually. Scorpio has capacity to overcome almost anything. Your strength has been tested the last few years in terms of how you approach life and how you deal with your own authority. Innovate around a home or family. Property, family or a household is unpredictable. The way something goes will the way you want it to go. For Scorpio most things revolve around power, control and metamorphosis. The next few months sees a different acceptance with what once made you feel helpless to helpful.
The New Moon in Pisces on February 27 brings you closer to kids, lovers, the things you love to do and joy. Don’t go down in your own melancholy. Excessive emotionalism needs to be controlled. Understand the spiritual context of the difficulty of the last few years by making peace with the part of you that you fight.
SAGITTARIUS is having a lot of expansion with offers materializing since July 2024. Mars is about to go direct February 23 in your house of big money, producing, sexuality, transition and power. Be careful about overdoing around any of these areas. Check yourself and be balanced and not reactive. In April through May the offers on the table get sweeter.
The New Moon in Pisces on February 27 gives you a tendency to go a little bit overboard and inflate. Don’t be vulnerable to people that seem too good to be real. Jupiter rules Sagittarius and the New Moon squares Jupiter so keep cool with how much you offer. Don’t over talk your deal, your thoughts or your doubts. Keep your deepest secrets under your hat. And make sure you believe you’re enough.
CAPRICORN sees Saturn rounding the corner of where it was last summer. You might have a project or an opportunity that has been delayed. Capricorn is very conservative in terms of expectations. You start to get some traction with your ambition after February 23. Feeling opposed by someone or repressing anger comes out in the open. Your deeper motivation with family, home and your foundation reveals itself. Be the love you desire from the Other.
On February 27 the New Moon in Pisces favors you in terms of new ideas, writing, contracts and negotiations. Be aware of another’s capacity or tendency to inflate. Stick to what the value is and behave correctly. Do not be swayed by a lot of big talk. Stabilize your feet on the earth and let your dreams float in the sky.
AQUARIUS feels the faith aspect of Pluto when it repeats the pattern of the last few months between late August through November. You resolve the losses of the last year and a half by dealing with your internal sense of purpose in a new way. Power can corrupt yet this time power is more balanced and evolved. When you believe in yourself and are faithful to that belief good things happen. Siblings reach out from being unavailable in the past.
The New Moon in Pisces on February 27 brings opportunities for money, resources and expansion when you can maintain balance. Extravagant promises and expectations will not work out. Be optimistic and look beyond the appearance of things. Your individual blind spot keeps waving at you. Stay very close to yourself. Keep it real, keep yourself real, keep your relationship real; let reality be your guide. Things happen that seem out of the blue. Pluto does not preclude wealth, success or intensity. It is intimacy with yourself that transforms life.
PISCES has Mars going direct February 23 in Cancer. This positive aspect helps your actions go forward in harmony with your being and succeed. Financial and personal self-esteem themes become easier and more fluid. Motivation of those around you is revealed. Don ‘t let your desire of escapism lead you into unreality.
The New Moon in Pisces on February 27 gives you a boost with your inner hopes and dreams. Your energy has been a little bit lagging and this New Moon should help your confidence. Love, children, joys and creativity are easier to connect with. Watch the capacity to be excessive, inflated or doubtful. Respect others as you wish to be respected and value everyone in your life. They make contributions that are pivotal for your well-being.
Tanda Tashjian
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