Our time is plagued by many tests. The test of meaning and purpose is lost in the in-between. It’s hiding. You might feel like you’re floating in a bubble of energy that has yet to land. Or burst.
Crazy events permeate your world. When someone or something you’ve counted on is not there the way you need them to be, you feel unmoored. Your connection to intimacy and closeness gets frayed.
Pluto at the end of Capricorn makes it’s hard to pretend that things are okay. Pluto at the end of a sign sees the meaning of what you built in the last fourteen years get neutralized.
This includes friendships, commitment, foundations, passion, purpose, and traditions. Edifices like the Court, global bastions of power, civilization, the government and The Church are having a Plutonic reckoning.
Capricorn, ruled by Saturn is having its’ own reality bite. Saturn is hard and brittle, making moves practically, without wiggle room. Capricorn doesn’t allow for error. And Capricorns are feeling every tug of power with what is left that’s faulty and must go. If you feel pushed up against some wall of your own creation, the writing is on the wall.
This next month and most of the year brings experiences of feeling out of control. You experience personally and globally a time when much of the order and meaning you had in your life get undone.
The way to deal with this Plutonic experience is to be patient, live smaller and control rage. Pluto is a wave of destruction as well as the capacity to cut out what is no longer healthy.
Let what is going, go and be grateful for what is left. If what’s happening in your tightly ordered universe is not working, be calm. Find the center and experience a collapse of what’s been too tightly controlled morph into more self trust.
The way to walk through this time is to view what is not going according to plan neutrally. Let go of the serious heavy-osity of the attachment. If you’ve entertained a crazy stratagem, look at things from a different and new point of view.
What is not working the way you want it to work seems insulting or unloving or compulsive. It won’t work when you jam harder. You need to be less tightly wound.
The president has several tests of power and falls down. The government has more blows to the constitution and throws their hands up. Random and illogical violence goes looking for the court in some form. Weather and climate strikes back with more earth events and extremes.
Pluto is on a rampage and strikes out against things that were supposed to be forever and are revealed as just another cycle that moves on from infinity. Saturn is at the end of Aquarius. This brings issues of past responsibility that need attention.
Where you’ve shirked comes at you between now and March 7. Pisces is a confusing sign due to Neptune’s rulership. In Pisces, confusion and doubt supplants logic and reason. Be aware of what happens between February 19 and March 7 to see illusion in action.
The upcoming two weeks act as a prophecy of the next two and a half years. The New Moon on February 19 highlights where and what you need to pay attention to. The beginning of a sign shows the future. Saturn enters Pisces on March 7. The Pisces New Moon conjoins Saturn in its’ transitional phase. Be attentive to what you’re being shown.
(Special note to Pisces, whatever you’ve been doing or not doing will be tested shortly. Where you have Pisces on your chart goes through a correction in the next two and a half years.)
During Saturn in Pisces, water will be a big player with the dividing lines of the country and world redrawn. Not enough water and too much water become Biblically compelling.
Religions and cults spring up. Outlandish things and obvious scams like George Santos pass as normal. Pain is addressed through a different treatment than opioids. Spirituality and counterfeit spirituality vie for support as many dubious prophets and soothsayers spring up on every corner of the internet.
The pod at home becomes the center of life when the Grail we believe in is revealed as a mirage. Digital identity and experience become more intrinsic to life than living.
When the world takes on a more surreal texture, go with the flow. Don’t look back to the good ole days. The future is predicated on what happens February 19-March 7. Be wise and watch from a higher place.
ARIES is ready to ease conditions around the career. Your responsibilities are hard to shoulder with Pluto pushing you the last fourteen years. Too much work and too little rest. Your world view changed and affects your ideas about mortality. You want to live and give what you have yet are held back by hesitation and doubt. Mars gives new perspective on action since August.
The New Moon highlights secrets about dreams and fantasy life. You might find yourself leaning on sugar or substance to ease discomfort. Go to the heart of what conflicts you have with siblings, decisions or writing. Contracts and agreements are back again for another round. The home and family need and give love. Enjoy the domestic scene.
TAURUS is overwhelmed with commitments. You need to go slow until March. Don’t get flustered if others want more from you. Mars makes money go out until Spring. If you’re holding onto anger unconsciously it comes to a head soon. Don’t argue and provoke, be stronger and direct with what behavior is hard for you. Blame and guilt doesn’t work.
Pluto moving into a fixed sign brings change and the need for adaptation to a new life at home.
The New Moon in Pisces makes some friends disappear and drift away. A new opportunity for children involves a trip for you. Your family life is more settled and peaceful. The end of a long learning curve with a partner is in sight. This results from a maturity in thinking that includes forgiveness. Enjoy the ocean at night.
GEMINI is turning a corner with an irritating situation that you’ve been burdened with. You want to speak out yet need to be calm and diplomatic and not lash out. You’ve been hot under the collar too many times lately. If your group is talking behind each other’s back try to not participate. Anger and resentment with a family member keeps repeating. Go back to what happened in August that still needs your attention. Come to peace before March when Saturn goes into Pisces. This transit will require a correction based on what happened 7/14/21 years ago.
The New Moon previews what is not working in your life. If it involves reputation, career or a parent look at what happens from February 19 – March 7. Saturn in transition moves you from thinking to action. If your ideals don’t mesh with your actions, take a beat and re -think your approach. Self- esteem wants to express itself with the person that is bugging you. Go within and be true to self no matter how many times you’re challenged.
CANCER breathes deeply as Pluto leaves Capricorn in March. A devastating last fourteen years sobered you with most of your relationships. Whether it was the government, a corporation or depth psychology you had to come up with a new perspective to live by. You recover from a situation that resembles a death or ending. A child or loved one is changed irrevocably. Your idea of love is from a different place.
The New Moon in Pisces involves where you need to translate beliefs into lifestyle. Your emotional nature moves onto a sense of security and balance. Enjoy what acknowledgment you receive. Hold your head high but with modesty about any accomplishment. You’ve been making adjustments the last few years that are about to pay off.
LEO has the end of Saturn finalizing decisions with relationships and jobs. The past few years have been difficult with identity, money and relationships. You’ve doubted your path. Your normal sense of confidence is shaken. The agitation with friends and colleagues continues. Pluto is about to touch you in your relationship sector. It brings power and fate that change life in a deep way.
The New Moon makes your debt and power house go off track. You might be surprised by something that strikes an emotional chord. This period secrets and feelings that you’ve repressed come to light. Old sexual and emotional alliances are rekindled in some form when unbidden memories move you. Be kind to yourself and don’t blame another for your discontent. You’re about to go on a long profound journey. Get ready.
VIRGO has to monitor your health on all levels. Physically if you feel drained, rest. Emotionally you’re struggling to keep a balance and psychologically you’re going through a maze of feelings. Pluto is leaving Capricorn. This transit made you stronger. Saturn will oppose you and that which is no longer relevant will leave. Your money house gets cleaned up.
The New Moon on February 19-March 7 predicts the next few years. Your friends and dreams changed recently. The writing on the wall is suddenly in capital letters. The immediacy of your discontent activates you to move onto the next chapter. Spend the upcoming time and watch for the signs. What happens from February 19- March 7 gives you a hint of what’s to come. Watch the play unfold.
LIBRA has the time to expand your business and projects. Jupiter helps you with confidence and optimism. Mars gives effective energy to act on your strategies to completion. The client/ partners are supportive and open to new ways of working together. Your home/family life goes through a deep summation of the last fourteen years around power. You feel like growth is possible and hopeful.
The New Moon brings complications with pets or co- workers. At first it might seem minor but deal with things as they arise. The Moon in Pisces is confused and indirect. Watch what happens during the New Moon as a prediction of the next two and a half years. This New Moon aspects Saturn making its’ transition into Pisces. Highlights of what to expect will be based on the foundation that arises now. Be calm and observant. You’re the driver.
SCORPIO is being tested with changes that are not going the way you thought they would. If you’re moving or changing your environment, things won’t kick in until after March and maybe take the rest of the year to settle. Your ruler Pluto is in transition and so are you. Try to flow with each new thing that comes to you. You won’t feel truly settled until 2024. The unpredictable planet of Uranus is making your life and choices tentative. Cultivate detachment.
The New Moon signals the future with children. Some very important decisions will be made during the next New Moon that starts on February 19. Your psyche is stretching beyond old patterns. If a key person has transitioned, wish them well and hold them in your heart. They will come around and acknowledge your love when you least expect it. Enjoy it.
SAGITTARIUS has their guard down. Just when things start going well, something slips and falls back. Don’t be in a hurry. Be patient with the event that began in August that keeps coming back and slowing you down. Make a committed decision, not a reaction. You like a challenge but bolt when you smell a trap. Freedom is your creed and you need to maintain yours this year.
The New Moon predicts what area the correction from Saturn will be in. Watch and learn as they say. The home/family axis is the transit point. Your mutual money house is the pivot and needs a cash infusion quickly. Something will come yet you need a big score. Look for March-May to bring things back to normal.
CAPRICORN is being let out of the Pluto realm. For the last 14 years your experiences had a twilight zone aspect. You’ll be returned to normal human time shortly. The Pluto aspect on March 23 starts the ball rolling. Your power source is bigger. Saturn, your ruler goes into Pisces and you get real about your dreams. Leave the frilly ones and take the gold.
The New Moon in Pisces makes writing and reading more potent. The New Moon predicts the future of the Saturn transit. Observe how the weeks of February 17-March 7 go. You’ll be surprised about what matters. If siblings and neighbors go through hard times in the next few years, be a source of comfort. The openhandedness of this gesture brings your heart’s desire closer.
AQUARIUS has Saturn leaving your sign in early March. You’re biting at the bit between naps. That weird soporific feature will change soon enough too. You’ll feel lighter, brighter and young again. Pluto moves March 23. Pay attention as the next twenty years brings Fate to your door. The charge of energy you’re about to feel will be the lightning bolt that transforms all those old habits into superpowers. Give Pluto time to move from initiation to void to the garden.
The New Moon in Pisces shows the future with your earnings. Observe what shows up and pays off during the New Moon. This is your mother lode for the next few years. Be quiet inside and let your world light up with appreciation. All that pro bono work adds up to your gift that is about to be seen.
PISCES experiences the world in between. You see the connections between people and events. You’re aware of how things flow. Now you will gain experience in the areas that are hard for you. Being constant with emotions and being grounded when you want to fly. Neptune makes whatever is the desired thing appear magically. Learn the difference between fantasy and what’s real. Saturn after March 7 teaches a hard lesson where you’re most vulnerable.
The New Moon provides the template for the next two plus years. What happens during these two weeks gets replayed over the next few years. It’s a training video and like an athlete you watch the moves and learn. You might experience an ending with a person in the family or group. They are the Teacher that helps you become stronger. You can evolve during this period to become that which you’ve dreamt about. Be the thread that unites what’s opposite.
Tanda Tashjian
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