THE world is shaking with anxiety. If you are shaken by Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius please breathe, sit back and read on.
Pluto rules the collective unconscious. Pluto gives off a universal vibration of intensity and power. It reaches into the collective psyche with an opaque sword and compels. Pluto obliterates what is no longer needed in life in a non -negotiable and final manner. Power transforms death into an acceptance of life with a new form of energy.
Much as government, current politics and the concept of elitism have been reconsidered and rearranged, subconscious aspects of the collective are acting out what we’re living unconsciously. These energetic forces are expressing what is no longer relevant in invisible and visible ways. If it sounds like the cosmos is in flux, it is. Big changes are afoot.
War and destruction are aspects of Pluto. Fated life events that start with an event and progress to a devastation are part of Pluto’s endgame. Pluto is the stealth bomber of life. When it first touches you, you often hardly notice. But where it ends with you is empowered for decades or more. The in between challenges you to become very strong.
In individual lives, where a condition or relationship is deemed irrelevant by Fate, the energy is disappeared. A job, a relationship, a defense that you’ve outgrown, a fortune or friendship, all are subject to Pluto’s power. Pluto has no mercy or remorse.
The god of the underworld is coming for what is no longer destined to be present on planet Earth. The old life, the part of you that ate the pomegranate seed, the part that was weak with an addiction of thought, sexuality, substance or habit has to face all the aspects that have no purpose in your life when Pluto comes calling.
Nuclear is a good word for Pluto. In a flash, everything goes. And then the void comes and interminably, there seems to be no movement. Ultimately the garden blossoms out of nothing visible but a transformation of energy.
World events are spinning like those screeching monkeys from Wizard of Oz flying around. The group unconscious is shifting into a higher gear of consciousness and unconsciousness.
Violence and compassion are two extremes of Plutonic energy as is life and death.
Most people are being confronted with their secret fears. How to walk through this time with courage and strength? Resist yearning for a magic wand that will banish the fear. Go step by step and learn to tolerate fear without being controlled by it.
Center yourself by breathing into the t’an t’ien. The center is located a couple of inches below your naval. Breathe into the center, hold the breath in the center, breathe out from the center slowly. Do this four times when you feel panicky or over charged.
The end of the Year of the Rabbit is the month before February 10 this year. The ending of a Chinese New Year brings kvetchy things like sprains, strains and being mini- accident prone that are a clean -up from the previous year. Misplacing papers, glasses, and your car are an example of this time of cleaning up the loose ends of 2023.
Gift your loved ones with fruit and flowers on February 10 to begin the New Year of the Wood Dragon in a propitious and positive way. Extend love and forgiveness to those that are around you, no matter how much they drive you crazy.
To protect and inspire yourself as Pluto enters Aquarius, light three sticks of incense on February 10 and talk to heaven. Request help for yourself, your family and the world. Incense opens the passage to the Unknown and on this special day, offer some red and green fruit and flowers to what you believe is above.
The New Moon in Aquarius on February 9 at 2:59 PM PST comes just before the New Year on February 10. Dragon years bring big years with big personalities. The Dragon is a celestial being whose quality of compassion bestows luck and abundance. Dragons are definite and powerful. They are fierce and one -pointed in going after what they want.
Colors for the year are red, green and yellow. It’s a Wood Dragon year so have a lot of plants, herbs and wooden items around your house. Wear jade to counteract negativity emotionally and physically. And remember to reach out to others with empathy; put others first. It will come back to you.
Pluto is gearing up for its twenty -year transit this year. Pluto returns for a minute to Capricorn between September and mid -November. This is when government begins to mutate into a form of old and new.
For individuals, your fears and hesitation is best dealt with during the period before mid November. Pluto into Aquarius in November for the next twenty years wreaks havoc with what you hold onto that needs release.
Be strong and fortify your nervous system with meditation and acupuncture and acupressure. Aquarius rules the nervous system and it’s getting triggered. Stabilize it by staying calm and maintaining a sense of stillness when you’re overstimulated or agitated. Seek out healing modalities that balance your extremes of energy that go up and down.
The next few months is a high stress period that can be contained and tolerated. Contain yourself by going from the mind to the heart. If the mind spins out, soften the defenses by meditating and allow your heart to open.
Trust your capacity to thrive.
Happy Chinese New Year of the Wood Dragon!!
ARIES is flowing with passion and looking to achieve a kind of peace within that is new. Pluto in Aquarius sees your friends and groups regenerate a new sense of purpose. If nervous tics get triggered, you can calm them down by vigorous exercise and serene moments with pets and nature.
The New Moon on February 9 brings a new wrinkle to your dreams. Money funds a personal expansion that is stable and secure. You redouble your efforts to initiate progress with friends and high -minded aspirations that are on the horizon. Mars give strength to deal with fears with patience and discipline.
TAURUS is uprooted by family changes. Inspiration is with you, use it lovingly. The partner goes through a transition that confronts a block of energy that they perceived as frozen. Help them thaw the ice.
The New Moon on February 9 activates your position in the world to become more visible. Worrying deflates your secret power that you’re finally aware is yours’. Siblings and neighbors are testy and express rudeness that is uncontrolled. Be patient with all the howling.
GEMINI has new goals that are work and health related. The time you spend on details needs to broaden to include a bigger worldview. Pluto helps you feel the inner power of your resources. You come from a different perspective and begin integrating what you’ve been alienated from.
The New Moon on February 9 brings the gift of helpers in high places that offer to move you through things that slowed you down before. The advantage of a strong sense of self -esteem helps you to be capable of dealing with events that are fated.
CANCER is relieved to be at the endgame of Pluto. Relationships that hinged on power are now morphing into a new day. The romance of life has been full of self- imposed obligations and little fun. Now you can consider the concept of play as an aspect of creativity and be open to loosening your grasp on life and people.
The New Moon in Aquarius on February 9 makes for a shift with debt, tax and mutual moneys. The Plutonic aspect of Uranus is fast and furious, making your fortunes change quickly. Be conscious of what progress you want to make through innovation and invention. Be self -aware when you act. The control monster is on the way out.
LEO has Pluto moving into your house of partnership. Fated events with partners arrive and need to be dealt with. Your nerves are activated and need calming. The fate part is a surprise from the unconscious and can be quick to strike.
The New Moon on February 9 brings a confrontation with a relationship that pivots on power. You have more on your side that you call on to feel safe. The secret issue involves an emotional connection that has changed. Go deep into your heart to see if can forgive what has happened. And expand your dream to include your heart becoming bigger.
VIRGO has Pluto in Aquarius move into your sixth house. Work and exploring all aspects of healing are your passage to a higher power. Your psychology is stressed when you feel triggered by others that question your ability to function. Be firm with your commitment to the goal.
The New Moon in Aquarius sees friends and important people help you realize your hopes. Things are not hopeless but are moving slowly. Care for self by putting your nervous system first. Take the time to nurture what you tend to ignore. Use your sense of order to systematically strengthen your resources. Banish the demons and invoke the gods and goddesses with your new project.
LIBRA has deep changes ahead with home and family. The household might need to go through a metamorphosis, or you might get a new home or office. The money chip will fall into place to help move it along. When long term changes are apparent with family and your foundation, be flexible and don’t shrink from the intensity.
The New Moon in Aquarius on February 9 makes for an important person entering your career sector. Let them assist you in your next phase. Career is intrinsic to your next stage of life when your sense of security grows past where you’re stuck.
SCORPIO has a problem now with time and scheduling. Pluto’s move into Aquarius accelerates your need to settle your home or property yet there seems to be too many projects that are still looming. Pluto is your ruler and makes you obsess with guilt, resentment and blame. Take the higher road and flow with what is.
The New Moon in Aquarius shows you the way to get things done in a friendly and effective fashion. Allow kids and creativity help you balance your moods. The changes that come with this new moon predict what you’ll be dealing with in the future. Don’t get heavy but be serious with what your perception reflects. Trust your inner guidance.
SAGITTTARIUS sees Pluto remake more satisfying alliances with siblings and neighbors. You’re about to negotiate a new form of deal memo. Pluto purges the third house of prior contracts and agreements that don’t satisfy you. Your secret power is to find a way to say no without throwing everything and everybody out.
The New Moon in Aquarius makes important friends return in a less needy way. Your work and process is less arduous and as a result you flow with your support team. The resources you used to squander are more respected. Emotionally, get ready for happy expansion with partners after May.
CAPRICORN is shivering from being almost freed of the underworld in your psyche. September through mid -November returns with the end of the Plutonic tour of duty of destructive thinking and entropic relationships. You get stronger with purpose and connection to your core.
The New Moon in Aquarius sees money and assets go through a change as a result of a partner or mate. Money is important to Capricorn due to status and security. Look within to develop a hidden gift that opens up your life on a whole new level.
AQUARIUS has Fate taking you to the underworld. All the fears and doubts magnify with obsessions and power issues. Things fall apart that were once sure things. You go on a journey and discover what god or goddess is your most helpful and powerful partner. Pluto makes what was once important, insignificant and the obsession with power upends the whole drawing board.
The New Moon in Aquarius reflects all the places Pluto can touch. Don’t give up before you get your itinerary. You’re in for the experience of a lifetime. Pay attention to the breadcrumbs that are left for you. The big dinner will not be what you’re expecting.
PISCES Pluto takes over your unconscious periodically. You are a hostage to thoughts and feelings that you tried to ignore in the past. The call to a higher love inspires you to think through what you once devoted yourself to and start recovering from illusion.
The New Moon in Aquarius makes secret feelings swarm around you. Love and past lovers are floating through a morass of ambivalence. If you’re paralyzed with someone or something you’ve loved, forgive the shortfall. Love is the answer in whatever form it shows up. Forgive yourself and forgive others with a love that is full and alive.
Tanda Tashjian
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