Mercury goes retrograde on December 12. Make sure to get your holiday shopping done before or there might be a lot of mistakes and returns. The actual shadow of Mercury retrograde started on November 26th. There might be the beginning of miscommunications already.
Any relationships started at this time will have many twists and turns.
Under the last Full Moon on November 27, you might have found yourself fighting with someone directly or, in your head or, with yourself about what’s bothering you. Responsibility and obligation is wearing on you especially with the emotional and financial burdens you’re carrying.
Recover from last week’s exhaustion and negativity by looking for the positivity in your life. Shift the current you’re plugged into from negative to positive. Going over and over the hard things doesn’t change them. It makes for being stuck.
If the holidays feel a little tired and forced, take a personal day where you give to yourself the whole day. Things that nourish and help you now are pivotal.
The season of giving needs to be genuine. Give and do what you feel from the heart. When you give from the heart, there is no doubt about giving too much or not enough.
If there’s a hangover from Thanksgiving financially or emotionally try to balance the bitterness with what is sweet in your world. This is a time of optimism and expansion even though you might feel more control when you withhold or give less.
Mercury retrograde (since December 12) will be activated during the Full Moon on December 26. If you’re sweeping anything under the rug it will become very real under this Full Moon. Try to deal with what is not right in your world sooner.
The New Moon on December 12 promises to be a time of whimsy and escapism. This lunation is conjunct Mars square Neptune. Watch too much illusion and unreality. If something looks too good to be true it probably is.
You might not know what you’re doing. Scams and cons are plentiful. So is a news story that might be wrong or misguided. Be close to yourself now as the dream is embedded in fantasy.
Weather will be crazy with flash floods or weird heatwaves.
The next two weeks are a recovery from the hysterical expectation of the last few weeks.
Be good to yourself and others. Be a good person and your light will shine beyond the darkness.
ARIES is in the mood to get something new going. All the holidays and potential fun is attractive to you now. You’d like to come out of the isolation of the last three years and be social. The pressure you’ve been under for the last fourteen years to remake your career is almost over. Travel and expansion are next on your list. Sun and Mars in Sagittarius makes Aries want to play a little.
The New Moon promises a dream trip. It might be more of a dream about a trip. Memories of the past spill over during this holiday. Time is relative. Loving feelings with kids and family overwhelm the planned activities. Your soft spot is activated. Stay with yourself and don’t go crazy with substances or sugar.
TAURUS is expanding in life through opportunities and surprises. Pleasure comes from where you least expect it. Surprises loom out of nowhere, all with the goal of liberating you from rigidity and routine. You’re not going where you thought you were. And you’re not done yet with all the unexpected events with home and the family.
The New Moon in Sagittarius brings a potentially confusing issue with money, debt or inheritance. Things might seem too good to be true. Be prepared for disappointment with a friend or person close to you. Hopefully this period washes away and dilutes any resentment. It might just be a fluke that temporarily is nothing. Be a good Santa as much as you can.
GEMINI has the focus on the partner or client. The ideal situation revolves around the future yet the dream is not the reality yet. During the New Moon you could take a break from reality by escaping into a mini fugue state. Be careful where you put your priorities. Somewhere there’s a blind spot that might irritate or oppose you.
Mars and the Sun in Sagittarius oppose you during this period along with the New Moon. Someone might call you out without any ammo. Be calm and don’t fold, stay with yourself. This period is challenging for Gemini. It might involve a client, a person in your life, or a partner that goes on the warpath then fizzles. Keep your head and don’t go to Defcon 5. Low energy might be around for the month of December. Rest and relax with all the sweetness of your home life.
CANCER has to remake your health and daily routine life. If there’s a health weakness now pay attention to building yourself back. The area of the body that breaks down needs attention physically and emotionally. Balance the heat and cool energy within.
If you’ve been dreaming about love /life in a romantic way, look at what you’re accommodating especially if it doesn’t work out. The curve ball hits and will try to slink back in some form during the New Moon. Be aware of your capacity to seduce yourself into an old addiction. Redirect your energy into a grounded reality that you can live and work with.
LEO has the energy to enjoy life, especially now. The trine from the Sun and Mars helps to engage kids, projects and creativity. Uranus squares Leo as well as Jupiter. Be careful of going off the deep end with a romance or overextending money and promises. The unpredictability of this time for Leo needs to be spiritually grounded in your center.
The New Moon brings passion forefront. The secret of being able to keep all the plates spinning takes a large amount of inspiration and staying power. Organize yourself according to priorities and don’t rely on flying by the seat of your pants. Have a plan then play your own tune.
VIRGO has conflict with home or family life. With the enthusiasm of Mars and the Sun in Sagittarius, there is too much energy going out for Virgo. If you’re running as fast as you can to avoid your feelings stop and catch up with yourself. If something comes apart, don’t hold on. Feelings of failure or remorse are behind the frenetic activity. You will be better off to listen to your inner guidance and not push it away. Positive optimism comes when you slow down to savor what you have.
The New Moon on December 12 brings an opportunity to escape. Be aware of too much drinking, drugging or sugar. Watch a movie and call it a day. An important person comes back
into your life and helps you. You’re not so far away from your center. Make a tiny shift and allow the balance to reset.
LIBRA experiences the end of a long power grab with the family or office. You are released from a feeling of owing someone. Your money house becomes easier after 2024 and you can look forward to replenishing your fortune. A lot of communication and negotiating in December for Libra with Mars and the Sun in Sagittarius.
This New Moon on December 12 brings a new option to consider. It’s a minor departure/addition to what you do. This period starts a casual movement with your career or reputation. Be aware that it might present as a little bigger and better at the beginning, however it will grow.
You are considering a new home or office but put off the commitment until the third week of January. Allow the spirit of the time to guide you with others.
SCORPIO has the energy to be stronger with others now. A setback focused you on a decisive moment about change. As Pluto (your ruler) moves to Aquarius you are moving to a new cycle. Mars and the Sun in Sagittarius make money and time the main factors. Uranus keeps putting the jack in the box in your partnership house with your heart. Keep cool now as there are still roadblocks ahead. Jupiter brings expansion with energy and optimism.
The New Moon in Sagittarius promises more focus on all the work that needs to be done. You tend to not be realistic about time and energy. Pace yourself and don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater. You get a second chance now. Do it right and do right by yourself.
SAGITTARIUS is on your own timeline. The positive current from Mars and the Sun energize you to make things happen. Competition is intense for that next rung of the ladder. Foreign travel might be in the cards; be careful not to overplay your hand. As the Sun approaches Neptune the third week of December don’t get distracted. Be openhanded, but wise up to the hand in your pocket.
The New Moon in Sagittarius is hopeful yet needs anchoring in reality. Your work and health sector are lit up. Use this time to plan the future, not live as if it’s here. You might not know what you’re doing or getting into. Don’t choke down feelings to keep something that might happen alive. You’re in the in-between of the past present and future. Play out your role with consciousness.
CAPRICORN has Mars and the Sun in your twelfth house. Secrets and secret feelings are bothering you. You feel stuck in a time zone of the past. Pluto moving out of your sign in January frees you from the heavy fate of the last fourteen years. Resolve what is at the bottom of the barrel and keeps sticking in your craw. Saturn in Pisces makes you feel like you’re going around in circles. Yet the circles are leading somewhere. You don’t know what is real and not real so be neutral for now.
The New Moon in Sagittarius brings past karma that you have repressed especially in partnership. Your past loves are now perceived from a different place. Look for what feeds you not what paralyses. Your unconscious self is about to break on through. Be aware of what your dreams are telling you.
AQUARIUS has transiting Sun and Mars in the house of ideals. You’re all fired up about a hope and dream. Be balanced with enthusiasm and action. Allow the conservatism of Saturn to step in and anchor your energy, time and money to an even flow. Uranus squares you from the house of the home. An unusual living condition could change your life or shock you. Go a little slower into the change. Pluto is about to enter Aquarius and your fate reveals itself.
The New Moon in Sagittarius brings someone that is helpful but maybe a little over- embellishes about their capability. Be genuine and direct with what you need. You’ll get over any shyness with a sticky situation. Make sure you hydrate physically and spiritually. You still have places to go, people to see and things to do. Give yourself recovery time.
PISCES has Neptune and Saturn with you. You thought you knew yourself so well yet there is a part of you that has been revealed that is locked down tight. You’re having consequences for all those times you were disappointed and didn’t speak up. It’s not business so much as emotional. If you feel cheated or unfulfilled sometimes, look at the deals you made. Health and money and freedom issues are indicated. Sun and Mars in Sagittarius could make you feel like you missed something. How can you help yourself?
The New Moon in Sagittarius makes for a time when your outer world doesn’t match the inner one. You might want a break from the pressure .If you get it in December yet don’t procrastinate too much. Get back to that drawing board and design a new cycle. Saturn gives the strength to prevail.
Tanda Tashjian
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