We all need a rest from too much work, too much worry, the chicken little the sky is falling news feeds and a weirdo energy that keeps showing up when you least expect it. Most feel like they’re hanging from a thread.
Pluto is doing its’ penultimate curtain call. You need to go slow with what is hidden from you. Perhaps it’s a bill, or a virus or a longing that could take you down. What you fear is changing places from something knowable to an electric short circuit.
In Capricorn, Pluto is practical and all too real. Money, economy, government, tradition, even your reputation are Capricorn things. As Pluto ends its’ transit of the last twenty years all the old rules are changing. And the wildcard of electricity gone awry makes for shock and awe and utter bewilderment.
If you want to wind down, schedule a break from all the noise December 23-28. Mars squares Neptune and you won’t feel like doing much and won’t know what you’re doing. Do not overindulge in substance of any kind and watch what happens that seems out of this world. Life is but a dream.
The Full Moon on December 26 at 4:33 PM pst is a hungry moon. Home and family will be the main players and even your Mother might make a ghostly or actual appearance. Eat, drink and enjoy the carbohydrates. Cancer is an eater and wants to be full and happy.
Pluto at the last degree of Capricorn after December 20 brings the degree that sums up the last twenty years. Climate, earth events or weather problems might set in. A key person in government might leave after an accident or a scandal between the 23rd and 28th of December.
Five days before the Full Moon, and on the Full Moon December 26, insatiable hunger and need will eat your house and your heart out. You might feel orphaned by life and craving love. Charles Dickens’ story, A Christmas Carol resounds.
The room at the top will tip and fall if the government stumbles. Capricorn is about reputation and some reputations will fall in 2024. Pluto in Capricorn disposes to Pisces, ruled by Neptune. Where are the rules, regulations and rituals? Many things we’re accustomed to will go into a delete box and get put out to sea.
Pisces is a beautiful sign yet it also is vague and elusive. Sometimes Pisces embellishes or is deceived without knowing it. They often live in a dream that casts themselves as the victim and the savior. Saturn in Pisces calls all Pisces in 2024 to stand for what you believe with family and friends.
The end of the tour in December features Mercury backtracking through Capricorn into Sagittarius. Mercury squares Neptune December 27, 28, 29 and you might ask “what have I done?” Time is spinning out and everything’s going too fast. People are feeling poor and spent. Extend now rather than withhold with fear.
In this wild weird adventure of life, the Wheel of Fortune reminds us that what goes up comes down and what is down goes up. Be in the middle and share what you have when the opportunity beckons. Be the vessel, the offering and the offered. After all, we are all One, aren’t we?
ARIES lately people look to you for the answers. Your leadership qualities are in high gear. Be kind and not harsh with your wisdom. You’re in a hurry to get to the next thing and be done, and then what? Take it easy now Aries, Mars in Sagittarius makes you want to forge your way into the future. But watch out December 24-27 as you might not know what you’re rushing into.
The Full Moon on December 26 makes the baby needs come out in others and yourself. You have no patience for the inner baby and throw food and drink at it. Dive deep and allow themes of mother, real and imagined to help you out of a dark hole. You’re on the road again the next two weeks. Take the long way home.
TAURUS wants an inspiration. The shock of Uranus the last 6-7 years brought a health, financial condition or family upset center stage in your life. Caretaking of yourself or another slowed down your rhythm. You’re soul searching for what is the meaning?
Pluto entering Aquarius on January 20 brings a conflict with what is too ordered in your world.
Something will get shaken up in the home this year. Check the foundation for termites.
The Full Moon on December 26 brings help from an unexpected sector. If your emotions are thrown into chaos, don’t panic but move forward and deal with it. Animals and humans that are in the family need special attention. They might need support for a condition that can be improved. The decision you make improves their quality of life. And you need more time to yourself.
GEMINI has a deadline and is working against time. Your duties and obligations are adding up. Anger and too much pressure tends to make you feel short and irritated. Take a day or an hour to yourself during this time of too many burdens. Friends are driving you a little crazy with their demands and veiled comments. Be kind and give even if they withhold. Your heart has been opened in the last year by a loss that you’re still grieving. Take the time to heal.
The Full Moon on December 26 brings some money thing to a head. It might be a house problem or repair that is sprung on you. Your sense of value changes. You really want a close and trusted friend. The circle has gotten smaller. Needing a free flow of communication with absolute trust is the desire. Money is secondary. Enjoy what you eat this Christmas. Be aware of the nurturing quality of food and let it be your medicine.
CANCER is cold and tired of your routine. This is a time to recharge. Take time to give the self what you need and be patient with moving slowly. Mars is quincunx your sun; up your game with your immune system through January. Overworking, overtalking and over giving is not in the cards. Don’t go to an extreme and shut the whole show down.
The Full Moon on December 26 brings projects of the last six months to a head. If your home life or business temporarily freezes, use the downtime well. Things will be back on track after the beginning of 2024. The emotional drain of the last fourteen years expresses the need to be more balanced. Look at why you promise the world and withhold when someone has an expectation. Relationship is morphing into a whole new source of learning. Work needs to be realistic and not a dream. Be true to your inner self and all will prosper.
LEO is going to town with their future. Stay close to yourself especially when things move after the end of January. Your excitability is catching yet you need to stay grounded and practical. Allow the money to carry the dream. Uranus makes you edgy and irritable while Pluto moving into Aquarius at the end of January brings fated exchanges with a partner or Other.
The Full Moon on December 26 brings back a sentimental attachment to another from the past and a hunger for more love. Your secrets are safe within your psyche. The present love is a good friend and partner without the fireworks. Enjoy the stability of what you have.
Leo loves amour and creates dramatic moments out of a simple dinner at home. Choose the future wisely and don’t look back.
VIRGO has Saturn opposing you. When you signed on for the present project/work relationship you had no idea how hard you’d have to work. Tired and a little
disenfranchised, you feel that you’re not getting enough bang for your buck. Neptune is driving you a little crazy with faraway dreams of castles and dunes, warm sultry evenings and princes or princesses. Keep it together by distinguishing your reality from your dreams.
The Full Moon on December 26 sees friends and colleagues want more of you. You feel starved for the kind of attention that feeds and satiates you. Focus on the opposition within your principal relationships between emotional needs and security. Don’t venture too far out to sea.
LIBRA has the end of Pluto showing up in the home life. If you feel controlled by a situation that is close to you find a solution that values you a little more. Include yourself in the dialogue especially with family and friends. You tend to work and play as a way to get the love and appreciation you need. Don’t try too hard. You are the most beautiful and charming when you’re being yourself.
The Full Moon on December 26 brings to a head a situation that developed over the last six months. You need to make a decision about how to best express yourself to another. Is it going to be direct or diplomatic? Is someone raining on your parade at work or discounting you emotionally?
If you feel taken for granted, be calm and go back to your center. Repeat to yourself “I am enough”. Be enough for you.
SCORPIO has some chaos in your life. The unpredictability of Uranus is toying with you. What you thought was a sure thing is not so sure. The wildcard looks good. Go for what speaks to your heart not your head. Your head often goes so fast it’s dizzying. And you make errors of judgement when you’re impatient. Your ruler Pluto is ending its stay in Capricorn and you feel unmoored. Be the circle whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere.
The Full Moon in Cancer on December 26 makes you feel just how stretched out your mind is when you try to plan the future. Stay close to yourself and be simple with your needs. You control the mind, not the other way around.
SAGITTARIUS is tired of going through the same mental routines. You’re wearing yourself out sitting in the armchair talking. Clearly when you make a plan it works. Brusque and to the point, even when you have foot in mouth disease, things happen on your watch. No more dilly dallying with side streets. Take the main street. Pluto is leaving Capricorn and your money lockdown ends. It’s not a minute too soon; you’re spent with cutting corners while money goes out the backdoor. Mars in Sagittarius is action oriented and impatient for the spoils to be awarded.
The Full Moon on December 26 might tie you in knots about a home or family thing. You feel the pressure to make something happen fast. The surprise comes when you pull the sword out of the stone and everyone applauds. If you’re knighted, be humble and modest.
CAPRICORN is exhausted with all the changes. Pluto leaving Capricorn at the end of January shows the true meaning of its’ transit. The true meaning for you is to not give power away by too much caretaking. Capricorn is so effective you cut to the chase and it’s done. Others go back and forth and frustrate you by gabbing.
The Full Moon on December 26 brings to a head the events of the last six months in a friendship or relationship. You feel like you’re over a barrel. Yet there is a solution that comes five days before, the day of, or five days after the Full Moon. Be patient if you lost yourself before with worry and anxiety. You can come back from anything.
AQUARIUS is on the verge of Fate. Fate comes calling after January 21 when Pluto enters your sign. People, projects and events will change your life over the next twenty years. The main blockage you struggle with is to move from the head to the heart. You’re afraid of feeling your core without your mind interfering. You might experience an event that rocks your world in 2024 if Fate rushes your door.
The Full Moon in Cancer on December 26 allows you to address a very physical situation with a pet, coworker or yourself with a flash of intuition. You’ll be surprised at what happens and not believe that you helped. Cultivate trust with yourself over the next few years. Your life flows and lights the way for others.
PISCES has Saturn testing your strength. Your fears are manifesting and you’re a little testy. The shortfall of money or time or affection is hard to face. Yet the reflection of the past haunts you. The past dreams and hopes are being restructured to accommodate your age and maturity. You are feeling old even if you’re young. Saturn sees you stoop to conquer.
The Full Moon on December 26 brings pressure between a lover and a friend. There might be waves if everyone doesn’t get fed. Be the host(ess), helper and director that makes it all come together. Afterward you can retire to your atelier. That’s what you want anyway, isn’t it?
Tanda Tashjian
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