If you’re finding yourself getting emotional about something or someone, the Lunar Eclipse Full Moon on Friday May 5 is affecting you. Full Moons often bring a high drama period full of intense feelings. This Full Moon is a Lunar Eclipse and it’s in Scorpio. The choppy tides are cresting and about to go tidal.
Scorpio is an obsessive sign. Ruled by Pluto, when Scorpio stings an enemy, they sting themselves. Themes of destruction and rebirth belong to Scorpio.
You might feel like you want to blow something up: a marriage, a partnership, a business deal. The energy of this time counsels to let things go that are going and don’t hold on. A Lunar Eclipse represents a time of endings.
Self-destructive moments like indulging and obsession and obsessive overthinking are more prevalent with Scorpio energy such as we’re having now.
An example of Scorpio energy is seen through the story of Persephone, daughter of Zeus and Demeter. When the virginal Persephone is abducted by Pluto, her mother Demeter is inconsolable.
While Persephone is brought to Hades’ realm, Demeter looks everywhere. Freezing all of nature as a means to get help from the birds and the bees drives the life force underground.
In the underworld, Persephone eats six seeds of a pomegranate. The act of consuming in the underworld (no matter how innocently) compels her fate. This act determines her stay with Pluto in Hades for six months of every year. She becomes the Queen of the Underworld and her childhood is over.
This story can be interpreted as a fated end of innocence. It reflects a dark power that takes what it wants and damns nature. The myth describes an inevitable sacrifice of the feminine to an elevated patriarchy thereby expressing the earth‘s fate.
More glaringly this Eclipse sheds some light on the Persephone within you. The part that was not aware of the shadow deal you made in love, business and partnership. When unconsciousness suffers shocking consequences there is no going back even if you didn’t know at the time, what you were choosing. You cannot escape what you “thought” you chose and what you got stuck with.
All of these themes are spinning in the world now in some form.
The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Scorpio affects love and what you feel consumed by. Scorpio is advertised as being a hard -edge sign yet when it’s moved by love there is no greater force. This could be a time of forgiveness and healing after being hit by a thunderbolt of betrayal and loss.
With Pluto recently moving into Aquarius, it signals change is on the way with the one thing in life, you want and need. If you traded your power away or you were driven by greed and ambition then this time brings a settling.
Healing or consequence, you have the choice.
You might be having a hard time letting something or someone go. A vision of life you’re attached to or have lived is on its’ way out. You might feel for the Earth and all the nature that is ruined. And you might feel like the very person you wanted has become some Other Thing.
This is a good time to let go of sentimentality. Let go of all those photos, memories and lovable stories that haunt you. Be super aware of how you rewrite a relationship, any relationship to make it better than it is as a means of staying.
Uranus is dispassionate. Uranus is focused on progress and evolution. Uranus has no patience with clinging to the past. Uranus, in an aspect with the Eclipse brings the sudden comprehension of the truth of relationships and situations you find yourself in.
The caliber of passion changes. You can let go of some friendships and past fantasies. Let go of clutter and minutiae. The big sweep is on as someone gets swept off stage.
This Eclipse is with Mercury retrograde, going direct May 14. Pluto retrogrades May 1 and is squared by Jupiter mid -May. This makes for a relentless power and obsessive greed that will not work out the way you want it to. Examine where you’ve been out of control by trying so hard to control.
It’s possible to see under the present astrology:
Deals and arrangements go back and forth and attempt to realign.
The money heist of banking is exposed as a Medici moment when more banks fail.
The house of cards in government goes down.
Art and the value of genuine relics is investigated as fraudulent.
Studios decree as feudal lords to the serfs below.
A political prisoner reaches out and is disappeared.
The Earth erupts somewhere unexpected.
Water and weather continue to mystify.
A high-tech terrorism is acted out.
During the upcoming Eclipse let go of attitudes that aren’t genuine. Work on where you are self- destructive in your personal and professional life. Address the one thing that continually brings you down, resulting in pain. You can wipe the slate clean on a tricky habit.
Episodes are relived that summarize another’s crazy controlling behavior. Stay close to yourself. Be calm in the midst of any chaos. Cultivate a strength that translates as controlling your mind.
Scorpio and where you have Scorpio in your chart brings a potential healing of some old and chronic problem.
Physically, Scorpio rules the reproductive and elimination system and the purification of the body. You could have a physical change that starts a miracle when you experience a new life force within you.
Emotionally Scorpio rules obsessive love and power games. The capacity to heal through love and sexuality brings a breakthrough with loving someone.
Mentally Scorpio rules hidden pride and the need to control others. Scorpio brings an extreme change of perception that ignites a new worldview with the center being everywhere and the circumference nowhere.
Spiritually Scorpio rules the transformation from a lower energy to a higher one. It involves going from the lower awareness to a paradigmatic gestalt during this Eclipse.
The time brings a revolution of energy. The mountain you couldn’t or wouldn’t climb is absolutely before you. Choose to face the change or the change gets you from behind. You have the control of choice in how to respond.
It’s up to you.
See the Light.
Be the Light.
Light, light, limitless Light.
ARIES faces a moral or financial crisis. If you’re the victim or perpetrator of greed and control you need to review how you got here. You might be pushed to the edge with a decision. When Jupiter squares Pluto mid -May it brings back something you thought was decided and you flip. The prior Solar Eclipse New Moon in mid- April presented a fait-accompli. Decisive action is needed in the realm of money and authority, self -worth and power, good will or war.
The Lunar Eclipse on May 5 threatens to take away something you depended on or the thing you thought was a sure thing. Stay with dispassion and detachment. Let something new come on the horizon if your main deal tanks. For those who are in a romantic relationship be aware of a way of seducing yourself that draws you back in. Don’t go for the candy.
TAURUS deals with a hidden agenda exposed by Fate. The prior Solar Eclipse New Moon in April brought a secret or a secret feeling that changed loyalties. You are the driver in your life yet you’re waiting to be driven to a new place. Be the active one by making a decision that respects the past but doesn’t repeat it.
The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon on May 5 takes something out of your life. A habit, guilt, patience with impossible people, or a problem with the partner/client that needs surprising help. Expect the unexpected around the family. There is a blow out and things fall where they may. You can pick up the pieces if you want but don’t do everything. Let everyone do their part.
GEMINI faced a crisis with friends and colleagues during the prior Solar Eclipse mid- April. You finally understand what you’re dealing with. Those who pose as well- wishers might be angling for a favor. Be shrewd in a pleasant Gemini way and see it all before you. People are not at their best now and the backlash gets stuck in the family.
The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon on May 5 brings a sudden end to something that challenged your faith in yourself. You’ve witnessed the extremes of your personality. The repair is to detach from blame and override your mind. Turn to the sanctuary inside to better tolerate the coldness of others. They are struggling with their own inner enemy and are insensitive to your needs.
CANCER has energy to push on but be cool with too much heat. You can get caught up in a frenzy of power issues that is not your strong suite. The partner faces their own challenges. Walk with them and be there but resist saving them. Some karmic thing has come back for a rematch and you must live through it.
The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon on May 5 takes something out of your life. A child or lover is demanding or volatile. If they morph into another being, be kind to the part of them that is so impossible. They are wrestling with their own demons. You can be the lightning rod to their mood swings. Use logic to deal with unexpected cancellations that you thought were solid.
LEO was put on notice during the Solar Eclipse last April. A new opportunity blew in that required a total change. Your identity had been hammered the last few years. Prepare for a new future if you can let what has gone, go and extract the learning. If someone important left or leaves the planet send them love.
The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon brings a career decision to a head. It’s a magnificent option but you need to jump fast or it disappears. The end of a way of life and a professional identity is in play. Prepare for the future by letting what needs to leave, leave. Lightning hits and it electrocutes the heart. Leo rules the heart and either you heart is touched or scorched. You and a partner are in a kind of love. They are under the same sky and subject to the same whims. Make sure you are on the same wavelength.
VIRGO experienced the April Solar Eclipse with an awakening of projects. Your way of dealing with money owed and shared changes. Allow for time to heal all the feelings that were expressed. Words cannot be unsaid yet there is forgiveness. You are on a tear to be free of all the childhood fears about power. God bless the child that has its’ own.
The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon helps you make short terms plans that move a project along. New people show up and help. The electricity you’re feeling works for you during this time. Wait until mid- May to pitch your ideas and plans. If some Mr. or Ms. Big gives you the nod, act on the deal that is offered, even if it’s not perfect. Get into a new business with your old business and let the self- doubt relax.
LIBRA had a confrontation with the self/or partner since the Solar Eclipse New Moon in April.
Where you need to morph into a new function is critical. The difficult part is that you want everyone to get along and you’re the hidden glue. You’ve been sidelined or are on a sabbatical and cannot fulfill the customary role of diplomacy. And the children are fighting.
The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon on May 5 brings a potential surprise with money and resources. Suddenly what you depended on goes rogue. Be still with insecurity and wait it out. Unexpected
endings come with
alternative solutions. Be real with your ambition and don’t be used or use others. Someone close pushes hard. Yours is to go at your own speed from your true motivations. Respect yourself and the rest follows.
SCORPIO had the April Solar Eclipse in your house of work. Let go of the need to manipulate a decision that is done and over. Your chores and daily life are enough to deal with. Health needs attention and more time. The new beginning in April brought an end to the past.
The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon on May 5 challenges your concept of partnership. Turned upside down, your expectation of another gets blindsided. Be gracious with another no matter how abrupt or unfeeling they appear. The upheaval in your home or family can be dealt with through detachment. Change what you expect now is a necessary theme. Be close to yourself and do not look back.
SAGITTARIUS had a close call with a child or lover during the April Solar Eclipse. They are trying to begin a new cycle yet are caught up with the past. Parents or family are holding onto obstacles that block progress. Your ruler, Jupiter protects you in business. Make the most of this prosperous time.
The Lunar Eclipse on May 5 brings a secret arrangement out into the open. There is an unpredictable turn of events that could redeem or disappear the project you care so much about. Invoke Ganesh to remove any obstacles. Honesty with the person that allies with you works best. They unknowingly bring the answer to the riddle. Be aware of greed and underlying motivation from those that offer aid. They are self- serving and untrustworthy. Check out all who want a part of your creative project. You are the boss.
CAPRICORN goes through a gauntlet. Saturn moving to Pisces shook your money house up and now is unsettling to your mind. All sort of scenarios are playing out. Take each step at a time and don’t jump ahead. The Solar Eclipse New Moon in April made for a reckoning with home or family. Be aware of all the players and their individual goals.
The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon on May 5 favors you. Overhaul the aspects that don’t work for you anymore. Connections with others change and you need to reset your hierarchy. Someone close is shaken up by things that they thought they had conquered. If a client or partner is engulfed by more than they can handle, help them and let them think they saved the day. Your energy needs rest from cumulative stress.
AQUARIUS saw the Solar Eclipse New Moon in April bring an end to a chapter. You’ve awakened to the true nature of others. Understand that there are equal amounts of beauty and ugliness in life. Therein lies an appreciation of evolution and progress. Balance the part that is impatient with how slow life moves and progress is assured.
The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon on May 5 is in challenging aspect to you. It can be a volatile mix of progress or a slow burn. Do your own work and let that settle any moodiness. You might feel like a moving arc of light during the Eclipse. Bind your dreams to the reality of manifestation. Be the one that brings the dual worlds together. Partnering is a good thing even if it slows things down. Enjoy nature in its’ brilliance in the down time.
PISCES experienced the Solar Eclipse in April with a new set-up financially. Don’t repeat the mistakes of the past and think the problem is gone. Feeling good comes when you allow your positivity to balance out the negative. If a child or lover is moody, do the right thing and don’t allow them to weaken themselves. Be real with yourself and don’t be seduced into fantasy.
The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon helps you see the light with a decision about a long- range travel plan. Allow for change about how you structure the future. Your awareness of what is feasible includes the unpredictable. Be open to an offer that comes out of the blue. It might be the very thing that saves you from making a mistake. You are on a new path that continues to expand and grow. Forgive that part that doesn’t believe.
Tanda Tashjian
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