The business New Year comes on like gangbusters. People are ready for a change. Around March that change comes. Pluto enters Aquarius and the games begin.
Pluto rules life and death, power, depth psychology and Kundalini energy. Pluto is the energy that eviscerates or transforms. Pluto is Fate, pure and simple.
Pluto is the “dwarf” planet that rules Scorpio. In the coming years, Scorpios will experience an extinction of the foundation they’ve been living within and ultimately settle on a whole other unrealized (as of now) base. For all of us there will be unexpected progress and innovation as well as periodic earthquakes that rock your world.
Pluto leaving Capricorn is momentous. The last fourteen years has seen money and power escalate to merge metallically. This coupling became a seamless motivator for marriage and partnership. With no other value considered, the Pharisees are not only in the house, they own the house.
Money is central to feeling powerful in any relationship. Pluto rules power and where you feel powerful and what your power is based on will change between 2023-4. Already the dance with power is changing. The old routines are no longer working. The lines, the old stories, the tropes are landing on deaf and disempowered ears.
Things you’re sick of become more apparent. If you want to change your life but don’t know how you might hit a wall after March 23. If you experience something that makes the situation you want to change untenable, start changing what you do every day in a small but conscious way.
Aquarius is the sign of the next two decades. Power will change globally. Aquarians will be touched by Fate and move into their divine purpose. Where Aquarius sits in your chart and any other planets in Aquarius will also be kissed by Fate. Remember Pluto brings a devastating crisis, a void of nothingness and in time, a vibrant garden.
A similar thing that happened in 2020 could happen in 2023 with more bang. Or there could be a revolution on the planet. Much like the French revolution or the Industrial Age, life changes radically and then is just life again. The high and low of Pluto in Aquarius could go either way. The one sure thing is to expect the unexpected. If you didn’t get the first lesson, the lesson becomes more intense.
Pluto entering Aquarius previews the next twenty years between March 23, 2023 and June 11, 2023. Pay attention to what pops up in your life and what goes away. Pluto is known as the god of the Underworld. If you suddenly find yourself dropped into a world that you have no reference for, if you meet a tall dark handsome strange person across a crowded room, if you cross paths with an alien, this is Pluto in the form of Fate calling.
Sometime in 2023 there could be an explosion and possibly a nuclear blast or some kind of accident that rocks the world. This might get set off when some prominent person is assassinated. As a result of this “accident” there could be a continued breaking apart of the collective into factions. Some will be religious, some political, many hysterical or compulsive. This schism will in time manifest as a country of cults. Cities will become more like urban centers of vagrants battling for dominance over domestic terrorists while many will escape to the purity of the country.
The positive way all this could go is through some technological discovery a revolution begins in the world that levels the playing field between high and low. Since Aquarius is power to the people, the way power migrates through this discovery tells the future of who has the power and how beneficial its’ use.
The measure of money might transform into a new currency. The financial upheaval this causes could bring interventions that regulate and improve transactions in the financial world.
Water and weather will continue to wreak havoc. Just as we haven’t been good stewards of the earth, the planet will reshape through the movement of water. Too much water and not enough water will redistribute wealth from oil heirs to water owners through a reframing of boundaries between countries.
Psychic awareness will proliferate. Strange forms of channeling will develop. From out of nowhere some of the most profane will be moved to become part of the chosen. Hollywood will find out how to be god-centered through many channels, not all of them sacred.
After a visitation of some close encounters’ kind of experience, people will flock to healings when disease seems to be cured. Some of this will be false and some genuine. This rising will touch those who are faithful and devoted to goodness. Like the Beatles with Maharishi, many will search out meditation and teachers for help with physical and emotional problems and end up changing their lives.
January 6 brings a Full Moon in Cancer. Opposed by many Capricorn planets, where you give away power or grasp it too tightly will be called out. Insight comes in the form of enlightenment with partners and mates in real time. Fate brings soulmates together and busts unholy unions apart.
January 22 starts the Year of the Water Rabbit. Known for its’ friendliness and gentle nature this year promises more of a “hutch” consciousness. The focus this year is less on the experimental, more about the pursuit of safety and security. Along with this “hutch” consciousness, the market will play it safe, real estate will correct and water continues to threaten some civilizations and cultures with flooding or a desert.
This year please put flowers in your house or office that are vibrant blues and greens, arrange kumquats, apples, oranges, tangerines and pomegranates before an effigy of your favorite god or goddess. Put pictures of your family with the shrine. Light three incense and bow three times in the direction of the east on January 22. Make wishes for your family and yourself. Remember to have some crystals nearby that are blue and green like malachite and lapis. Meditate on peace and happiness. Remember, Rabbit is the happiest animal in the Chinese Zodiac. This could turn out to be a happy (if you keep it simple), year.
This year brings a reassessment of what truly makes you happy. The companionship of a special person along with your group and whom you work with and have fun with will be important. Wherever you’re out of harmony with power goes through a challenge. Redefining how you work with power and where it controls you will be key. Health, motivation, sexuality, manipulation are areas that need attention.
If you’re starting a new business put a representation of a rabbit in the doorway. Red brings vitality to a business that is lagging or needs more support. Be gentle and relatable this year and prosperity will come more easily. Consider actions before leaping. The Tiger year was about impulse and attack. The upcoming Rabbit year benefits from self- protective actions. Make a connection with those you work with as a way of maintaining loyalty and bringing people together.
2023 will be a year of revelation of secrets and things hidden. Psychologically you will find out something about yourself or your beloved that you did not know or suspect. During this year, be calm and gentle with all the levels of life. Remember we’re all living together on the same planet.
The themes of Pluto and Rabbit make for a new concept of power that comes from respecting the power experienced through your family, your group and your tribe. Make a good beginning in 2023 on January 22 and a good year will follow.
We wish you and yours’ a year of happy contentment and peace.
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ARIES changes your motivation this year. You awaken to the power of the influence you have on others. The source needs to be spirit, not ego. This transition starts off when you are held accountable for something you unknowingly said that triggers an awareness of the power of your voice. You get to rebalance power guided by heart.
The Full Moon on January 6 breaks with tradition. The experience you thought you shared is different from what others experience. Jupiter brings options and opportunities for expansion through mid -May. Mars revs you back up to enter the ring after January 12. Money is unpredictable yet strangely fated after March. Hidden fears about the Unknown surface.
The theme for this year is a life change with friendships and groups. If someone close leaves, open the door for the next round. The importance of an alliance with a friend heals what you felt you lost years ago. The truth comes out and something within you moves past where you’ve been stuck. You are chastened by a dream that is more like a visitation.
TAURUS starts to look at time and mortality from a new place. The family moves into a new house or a new plateau. An ending brings together those who’ve been alienated and consolidates the center. The partner grows closer due to what you’ve recently shared. The power in relationship ascends from transaction to healing if you’re open. You understand why something challenging happened to facilitate growth.
The Full Moon on January 6 makes a hard decision more absolute. The emotional depth you’ve experienced makes more intimacy possible. Do you want closeness or space? Uranus threw a wrench into your life since 2019. Since things have come back together, is it the same life?
The theme for this year is based on how your relationship with your mate or partner begins a transformation in the home. The home and family changes irrevocably. Do you go on in the same way or do you want to improvise more? Literally you might get a new home or need to change your life to reflect the space that opened up. 2023 makes you go with the flow since you’re free.
GEMINI makes a correction in the next two years by letting something reset differently. The last 21 years has seen you go in one concentrated direction that needs to be reviewed. If your world was recently shattered, what matters to you now? The power issue to deal with is health and work and renewing a commitment to what you do every day.
The Full Moon on January 6 brings money and inheritance out in the open. Those who disagree or are grabby get pushy and loud. You need to stand your ground and not buckle under pressure. The inner life you aspire to guides you to right action.
The theme for this year is to learn everything there is about purifying your health on all levels. Daily routine takes on more of a practice rather than habit. Pets need more attention and love. They reflect the karma of your everyday life. Traveling spiritually and being a student takes on more commitment. If you set sail for change this year you will go to new places that you only dreamt about. This introduction to the potential of travel brings a deeper connection to healing that can surprise and soothe you.
CANCER soon rests easier with relationships after March 2023. Since 2008 you lived through some kind of hell with/ or as a result of a partnership. Fate made all that came through partners carry a big debt that you were responsible for. The power you gave away to another propelled you into a difficult experience that you are still recovering from. The idea of romance with another transforms to being more connected with the Self.
The Full Moon in Cancer on January 6 brings whatever blast from the past forward to be purged. Purifying a partnership moves into a life and death experience and healing from a family trauma. After March, Saturn shows you how your efforts of the last 9 years bring security and maturity.
The theme for 2023 is to let the bird out of the cage and sing. Whether it’s off key or not, your voice needs to be heard every day in what and how you express it. Creativity and the inner child heals from being the cosmic scapegoat in the family. Your capacity to start a new chapter is supported on many levels. Some lifetime fear gets managed and shrunk. When you finally understand that the main relationship is with yourself, you relax.
LEO is ending the last few years of losses and challenges. You had to let go of a business and/or a relationship. There were big losses that you can recover from in 2023. A new relationship between you and a potential partner brings a whole new game when a powerhouse person comes forward and wants to invest or do business. Take it seriously. The family theme of taking care of everyone has left you no time to blossom.
The Full Moon on January 6 brings a secret out into the open. If someone is not right with money be contemplative and don’t act on impulse. Use strategy, not reaction. Power acts in many ways and this lunation presents a new option from the old pattern. Be aware of what triggers you and control yourself. Saturn moves in March to the shared money house. The reality of what you share is less than you thought. Rely on your psychic heritage of strength to get through the challenge.
This year open your eyes to your true potential. Hiding your light and biding your time is over. 2023 makes for a debut of your gifts. The daily grind of responsibilities ground you down. Go past extreme tiredness to start a new project that grows into an empire in the next few years. You’re not shy about your gifts yet you have kept yourself in a corner because of another’s needs. This year let the lion look in the mirror and be courageous.
VIRGO, use the depth of psychological understanding you’ve acquired in the last 14 years to strategize and remake your world. Health and wellness are areas to purify and utilize as a way to empower and not punish self. You recently suffered a physical crisis that challenged your energy and will power. The impatience you experienced on the physical plane stressed you emotionally. Use this time to build on positive self -image and action.
The Full Moon on January 6 brings a friend or colleague to your attention. Give to others generously and they support you. Let go of being transactional. Since 2008 you’ve experienced mind blowing power shifts. This year you get to use this accelerated energy to sustain you. Stamina on all fronts causes a shift with your identity at work. You still keep the day job but create a new identity after Saturn moves into Pisces in March.
The theme for you in 2023 is to raise the work ethic to a higher level where you benefit from all your work. Virgo is the workhorse of the zodiac and you work all the time. Give yourself a break and allow a new work identity to mature. Love has disappointed, yet you still believe that you can be loved and seen for all you do for others. Virgo likes to serve. This year make the shift to serve the inner self by moving onto a higher level of self- love. Stillness brings the peace you’re seeking.
LIBRA moves into a more creative and fulfilling zone after March 2023. Your money house goes through a transition. You begin to make more money from what you love, not from what you have to do. Your daily life needs to balance the old with the new in terms of work and timing. The challenges with the family/home moves into more flow. This year brings a return to love and the innocent pleasures of friendship. Someone new is in the picture.
The Full Moon on January 6 presents a choice with career. You see your ambition and power redirected more towards what you want to do when you choose to trust your intuition. Since 2008 you’ve been carrying a heavy load with work, clients and debt. In 2023 there’s a little more give with finances. However, you will serve two masters this year in your day -to- day work life.
Your theme in 2023 is to have patience with yourself and others. If you feel irritated with your mate or partner be openhearted and balance your work world accordingly. A parent or family member needs more of your energy and resources. During June you’ll feel touched by Fate. It might be a dream, a visitation or a person that comes into your life. As a result of what happened in June, you’ll understand something that has puzzled you for years. You will be able to release some pain or burden and feel freer. Let the world function while you ascend to another level.
SCORPIO is about to have a paradigmatic change. What and whom you’ve built your life around changes after March 23. When Pluto moves in Aquarius, your foundation changes. How you have used or given power away transitions to revolve more around the family and a home. The learning curve of a new sense of personal power will be challenging at first. You might feel conflicted by how rebalancing your power changes you. Ultimately Pluto awards you with more relatedness to your internal world.
The Full Moon on January 6 helps you consider where you are too dependent and how to maintain your autonomy. Kids and lovers are going in one direction. You get to decide how much life you want to share with them and how much you want to walk alone. Your spiritual and internal world increases and your devotion to evolving your belief system continues to grow.
Your theme for 2023 is to experience more joy by being receptive to life. So many Scorpios have experienced trauma in family or early life. You need to create your world and make it full of growth and what makes you happy. You have experienced many unpredictable experiences with partners and mates that continue this year. Walk down your path and you will be rewarded with more peace and inner freedom from the guilt and grief of carrying other’s burdens. Pluto is power and your walk with power is changing.
SAGITTARIUS has the opportunity to go to another level. Your empathy has shaken up what you believed was your destiny. Having been wrong about something once propels you into questioning your foundation. This year after March you move on from one professional identity to another. Any transactional relationships become focused on pragmatic action that is transparent. When you accept that “it is what it is”, you are released from the money pit of the last years. Your thinking patterns become more effective when you consider how your actions affect others.
The Full Moon on January 6 brings a crisis with debt and personal money. You make a decision that affects the next few years. You decide to go in a totally individual direction without worrying about what others think. After March you need to make a financial correction with the home/ family/foundation. Analyze where power is wasted or misused.
The theme for 2023 is to be brutally honest with yourself. If you’ve walked down a wrong road make a change and don’t let pride influence you. Your wisdom with others is a gift that you can share with the partner. Rely on your dreams to guide you. The unconscious is very active this Spring with clarity about a homebase. Children or lovers are finding their way. Don’t hover over them and give them same kind of freedom you once wanted. A new direction in career bears fruit quickly. Thank the gods for your prosperity during the Chinese New Year.
CAPRICORN breathes a sigh of relief. After March Pluto begins to move out of your sign. The psychological stress you’ve been under for the last 14 years moves to a different direction. The god of wealth enters your money house. The next 20 years can be blessed by having enough when you realize you are enough. The irrational fear of loss motivates you to overwork and overdo. Now you can relax and trust yourself.
The Full Moon on January 6 makes for a discriminating focus on your partner or mate. Where they have been too controlling or out of control is clear. You need to take steps to differentiate their dreaming from the reality you’re living. Your emotional self is at odds with your perception. The home/ family can have a huge step forward this year when you act in time.
The theme for 2023 is to take your mind seriously especially after March. You will see your thoughts manifest in your reality. Face how fear of the worst thing happening controls the present and resolve to balance positivity with negativity. Don’t give power to negative fears. Link your belief system to your daily life and use the power of the psyche to assist, not condemn you. Your guilt about living moves beyond resentment to empowerment when you harness the chariot to a Higher Power. Look up not down.
AQUARIUS’ world gets rocked after March. Carefully observe what happens between March and June when Pluto moves into Aquarius. Your power become palpable. Where you gave away your power and where you obsess about power changes. The career/reputation is the most obvious place change will manifest. First there will be a challenge to you, then you’ll feel stuck in an abyss, then the fruitful garden arrives.
The Full Moon on January 6 brings any hidden issues to the surface. A fly in the ointment presents itself and you must solve the problem. Your super power is being able to galvanize your life. Use this with discrimination as you still could slip and fall, or fly. The money house gets mixed messages. Without being money driven, pay attention to practicality so all the plates keep spinning.
The theme for 2023 revolves around being yourself with others when you’re in control of a project. Think about the greater good. If you’re a leader remember you serve the group and yourself. Your power increases the less ego dominates. Search your heart for what it is you truly want. If it’s a smaller or larger piece of the pie don’t be Faustian with how you move towards it. Be the guidance, the guide and the guided.
PISCES is affected by Saturn after March. Your next few years have to do with finding your way through the forest. If you’ve made mistakes you get to live from a different place. Any correction comes over time. You might have a crisis of identity in relationship, career or self. If pain manifests in any form be patient with the inner self and listen to its’ guidance. The unconscious becomes stronger with messages.
The Full Moon on January 6 points up a choice with your dreams and reality. Balance the need for achievement with the need for love. Children and spouse/mate are watching you being hard on yourself. Let them help you through any problem. A parent or family member might need more care. Responsibility will dominate this year and make you stronger.
The theme for 2023 is to take yourself seriously. Do the things that come from the inner self and listen. Be true to who you are in your heart. Let the drive for status and rewards find more of a balance. If work is all there is then work might face a challenge that is heavy. If your relationship reflects something you have a hard time with, look at yourself and make the connection. Someone important to you moves closer or further away. You’re about to get very strong where you feel vulnerable. Be a friend to yourself and love the child within.
Tanda Tashjian
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